Protecting the Leaf Village

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Hello, everyone! Sorry for not updating, I've been busy and I got extremely sick, I'm still actually getting over it. But, I hope you enjoy this chapter/part thingy. P.S. I improved my writing.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Naruto and Kakashi had just woken up, with Kurama off to the side. They weren't too concerned about the anbu 'Sasuke' sent out since Naruto had already contacted Gaara about it. Gaara was then supposed to handle the Kages while Kakashi and Naruto take down 'Sasuke'.

"The question is, how are we supposed to get the snake bastard out of Sasuke?" Naruto muttered. "Is it even possible for him to possess Sasuke?"

"Well it's possible since we saw Orochimaru have obvious control over Sasuke," Kakashi stroked his chin in thought. "It's a long shot, but we could weaken Sasuke enough where Orochimaru would leave his body in fear of losing his chakra."

Naruto nodded, not completely understanding the chakra part, but understanding that he had to beat up Sasuke. Kurama yipped and skipped over with a smile.

'Well, well, it seems the little kit wants to play with his daddy and mommy,' Kyuu cackled inside of Naruto's mind so unexpectedly, that the poor blond jumped a couple of feet in the air.

"What's wrong, Naruto?" Kakashi was beside his lover in seconds.

"Nothing, just Kyuu-chan messing around," Naruto replied.

'WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME?! COME AND FITE ME, BRO!' Kyuu-chan roared at Naruto, while Naruto just giggled.

"Kyuu-chan? Who is that?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"Oh right. I never told you, I call the Kyuubi, Kyuu-chan now," Naruto spoke, smirking lightly.

'No. No. NO. DONT YOU DARE CALL ME THAT.' Kyuu-chan shouted at Naruto, but he tuned him out.

"I suppose that's some type of payback for something he did to you, right?" Kakashi smirked at Naruto, implying dirty thoughts.

Naruto covered his flaming face and sighed, before turning serious.

"More importantly, how are we going to take down 'Sasuke'?"

Kakashi went serious as well, "That's a good question since you two are almost evenly matched. Besides that, you need to attack him somewhere where it's mostly barren and people don't get involved."

"The Valley of the End," They both spoke in unison with grim expressions.

"Always ends up at that place, huh?" Naruto chuckled sardonically.

Kakashi was quiet, but comforted his lover by wrapping his arms around Naruto and simply holding him.

"Don't worry about it until it's here," Kakashi said quietly, not wanting the blond to stress too much.

"How should we get Orochimaru to the Valley of End though?" Naruto questioned.

"Challenge him to a duel, if he plans to still act like Sasuke he has to accept it. No way out of it," Kakashi responded, stroking his chin with a thoughtful expression.

"I hope you're right," Naruto muttered while picking up Kurama.

"Let's go, we better check on Gaara and the other Kages to see how everything's going," Kakashi responded.

Naruto nodded and stood up with Kurama in his arms, containing all of their stuff is scrolls before taking over with Kakashi right behind him.

If you noticed, the chapters are getting shorter and shorter, but surprise surprise, the story is slowly coming to an end. So the chapters are getting shorter to accommodate for the ending, which is probably gonna be shoved all into one chapter. So~ Enjoy. I Shall see you later, my amigos.


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