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You will be shocked to hear this, but this time it's Gaara's POV thing, where he spectate him this part or chapter or whatever. I'm also going to start on my other fanfic, A new Family, it's a bit different from the average Kakanaru stories. Anyways, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, I own the plot of this story though.

Gaara was in his office, doing paperwork, when he felt a familiar chakra signature appear at the edge of his village. His eyes widened when he immediately recognized it as Naruto's chakra and he was curious as to why the blond would be coming here, last he heard Naruto had become a missing nin. It didn't make much sense unless the blond was crazy enough to drop by, when he was a missing nin, and say 'hi'. Gaara sighed softly and rubbed his temples, thinking too much hurt from all this fucking paperwork.

"Kazekage-sama!" One of his guards shout at him and he gestures for him to continue. "Their is a shinobi here and wishes to speak with you. Do you want me to send him away or-"

The guard was cut off with Gaara's sharp reply, "Bring him in."

'Definitely Naruto,' He thought with a small, barely noticeable grin on his face. 'Only a shinobi as unpredictable and stupid as Naruto would stop by and say 'hi' to the leader of one of the villages when he's missing nin. Same as always.'

Gaara couldn't help but miss the hyperactive blond anyway, he was his best friend. He straightened out his desk as he waited for Naruto to enter. After what felt like hours, only a few minutes, Naruto entered with a fox in his arms, while in the arms of a man.

Gaara sweat-dropped at the irony of the situation, but it was still weird. For some reason, he imagined Naruto in a brides dress with the little fox in his arms, as his best man, and Gaara started to choke on his spit as the hilarious mental image. Who knew Naruto was an uke? Gaara felt a bit of blood drip from his nose and he wiped it away.

"Hey Gaara!" Naruto shouted from his position in the man's arms. "Umm, Kakashi, could you put me down?"

The man, Kakashi set Naruto down and Gaara's head reeled as he remembered that Kakashi had been Naruto's sensei and he was famous for his copying techniques. It was funny that they ended up together though, and he felt another trickle of blood drip from his nose. Damn, he was becoming a fan girl.

"Hello Naruto," Gaara spoke, trying to be professional, but not feeling it. "Kakashi."

Kakashi gave him a nod, but kept his arms wrapped around the blond with a protective stance. It was kinda funny, really, but Gaara was curious as to why Naruto would visit him. Quirking an nonexistent eyebrow, he leaned forward with a question on his lips.

"So, what brought you here to Suna?" Gaara asked, genuinely curious.

"Can't I say hi to an old friend?" Naruto asked, pouting and scratching the fox, in his arms, behind his ears. "I wanted to catch up on some things and maybe stay a few nights."

Gaara sighed, knowing that Naruto never planned things through and Kakashi chuckled at the red-haired man's uncertainty. He also couldn't deny the blond, so he agreed and smacked him upside the head for not planning anything through.

"Soooo," Naruto dragged out the word, it was getting on the red head's nerves. "I see you became Kazekage, but I was like wondering if your allies with Konoha?"

"Pretty much," Gaara responded and noticed that the blond kept swaying back and forth, obviously tired. Chuckling and shaking his head, Gaara spoke, "Naruto go on to sleep. You're obviously tired. You can stay at a small apartment complex down the street, just tell that the Kazekage sent you."

Naruto and Kakashi nodded, a yawn escaping the blond and Kakashi picked him up bridal style, the small fox running around his feet. The copy-nin pulled down his mask and gave Naruto's forehead a gentle kiss and then kissing the blond on the lips, slow and sweet. They pulled away from each other when they heard a thud. Looking over, they saw Gaara twitching on the ground with blood leaking out of his nose.

"Pervert!" Naruto giggled, watching as Gaara struggled to get up and blush just a tiny bit. "We'll see you tomorrow!"

Kakashi pulled up his mask while they were talking and jumped out the window when Naruto said goodbye. Gaara sighed as he again wiped the blood from his nose and then looked down at his carpet with a frown, he was going to have to bleach that.

He grinned at what a cute couple Naruto and Kakashi made though. He stepped out of his office and called out to his guards.

"Does anyone have any bleach?"

Hope you enjoyed guys! And I'm sorry I updated this chapter a freaking 8 at night, but I got sidetracked and was writing my other fanfics 'A new Home' and 'Back in the Past'. Anyways Ciao!


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