Are you alright?

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Ok, I officially hate it when any body part goes numb! While I was writing this and my right arm was numb and so my dominant hand is right so I'm just like *type* *type* *type* *stops and jerks arm to get feeling back* *type* *type* *type* *does it all over again* Like wow! I hate numbness, it sucks! Anyway, sorry for wasting your time and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto!

Naruto blinked in confusion when Kakashi suddenly passed out and just asked out loud, "What?"

'Do you think he fainted because of your horrible kissing skills?' Kyuu asked, laughing his ass off while Naruto blushed heavily.

'Shut up Kyuu,' Naruto grumbled at the fox, before gently shaking Kurama awake so he wouldn't have to carry so much weight. "Come on Kurama, wake up."

After getting Kurama awake and Kakashi on his back, Naruto set out to find a place to camp at. A temporary place for Kakashi and Naruto to rest, Kurama had already rested for most of the day. They managed to find a huge tree in the forest where there was a small den at the base of it's trunk and Naruto set up camp. Sighing, Naruto lay Kakashi down gently and leaned against the trunk with half-lidded eyes.

'Its still a shock that Kakashi likes me back,' Naruto thought, slowly falling asleep. 'I wonder why...he...didn''

Next Day: Morning

Naruto yawned as he slowly woke up, he was on his side instead of against the trunk, their was a warmth behind him and a warmth cuddled against his chest. 'What the hell?' Naruto thought as he cranes his head backwards to look at the other shinobi spooning him.

Kakashi was asleep, his breaths relaxed and normal, his arms were tightly attached to Naruto's waist as though he was afraid to let go of him. Naruto then looked at the small bundle of fur cuddling against him, this time Kurama was awake, keeping guard for the blond and silver-haired nin.

'Wow,' Kyuu spoke up, amusement and blackmail dripping from every letter. 'Who knew you would be the uke?'

Naruto blushed beet red and started shouting at the fox, 'What do you mean by that, huh Kyuu?! What's wrong with being an uke?!'

Kyuu was laughing his head off as Naruto buried his face into Kakashi's chest with embarrassment. Kyuu was going to get back at him, he just knew it. Naruto sighed as he inhaled the copy-nin's scent and felt much better-safer. Naruto sighed as he realized they should be getting up, that is if Kakashi doesn't go back yet.

'I'll wait 'til he gets up,' Naruto thought, untangling himself from Kakashi, who groaned and tried to pull him back down. Naruto stifled a giggle as Kakashi purred when Naruto grabbed his hand.

A yelp passed from Naruto's lips as Kakashi pulled him back down to the ground and nuzzles the blond locks of hair. Kakashi was unbelievable happy about finally getting with Naruto, but that was short-lived when Kurama jumped on both of them, yipping playfully. Naruto chuckled and pulled the fox closer and Kakashi groaned, but let Naruto go.

"Are you alright? You passed out on me," Naruto asked, concern obvious as he scratched Kurama behind the ears.

"Ya, fine," Kakashi replied, letting a grin appear on his face. "I hadn't slept in twenty-four hours and it had finally gotten to me, so I passed out."

Kakashi kissed Naruto's forehead and pulled himself up. Brushing himself off, Kakashi noticed the sad look on Naruto's face, "What is it, Naruto?"

"You have to leave, don't you?" Naruto asked sadly, looking at him. Kakashi cursed himself for forgetting to tell the blond about being missing nin.

"Actually no," Kakashi spoke nervously and Naruto gave him a questioning gaze. "I'm missing nin since I left without telling anyone to come find you, so I can't go back to Konoha either."

Naruto punched the silver-haired nin in the face before pulling him into a hug and shouting, "BAKA!"

Kakashi blinked, dazed and gently patted the blond's head. His face hurt, truthfully but he didn't care to much. If it was the price for Naruto's love, Kakashi might run away and find someone else, but he knew Naruto wasn't like that. Hopefully.

The two were interrupted when Kurama gave a yip to tell them he was still here and hungry, making the two shinobi grin down at the kit. Naruto rifled through his bag until he found the food for Kurama and fed it to the fox.

"So, Naruto why did you get new clothes?" Kakashi asked curiously, pulling out his own food.

"I'm planning on going to the sand village to talk to Gaara, so I got rid of my jumpsuit because orange wouldn't help me in the desert and because it would make it harder for people to recognize me," Naruto responded, inhaling his ramen that he had cooked while explaining to Kakashi.

After a few moments of silence, Naruto asked, "So, how much money do you think we are?"

"I don't know nor do I care as long as I have you," Kakashi smiled at the blond and gave him a kiss, making Naruto giggle.

That's it! Hope you enjoyed. I'm now going to bed to rest my aching back and numbed arm, so bye! Ciao!


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