Who is that?

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Hello guys! ExtremeYaoiShipper here. :D. Anyway, here's part 6. I'm not entirely sure where this story is going, but maybe I'll make it where Naruto and Kakashi get together finally and they raise the kit, but I'm not sure. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Naruto had been away from Konoha for one month now and he had already been to various towns and villages, doing odd jobs here and there to earn money, so he could get food and supplies. The kit, Kurama, had also taken to riding on Naruto's head, shoulders, or walking beside the blond. Kyuu was teaching him on how to take care of Kurama, but Naruto was having some trouble on finding food for the young kit as they got farther and farther away from Konoha. The young kit had also grown bigger and was now a little bigger than his mother.

"Kurama, do you want to rest?" Naruto asked the young kit, who looked tired and kept stumbling over his paws.

A yip was all Naruto got and he took as a 'yes'. Naruto grinned softly at the adorable kit and laid down in the grass, looking up at the sky. Kurama gave a cute yawn and crawled onto the blond's chest, curling up and falling asleep. Naruto began petting the young fox and let out a hum of content, he felt as though Kurama was his son, in a way.

Naruto frowned at the thought of Kurama mating, where was he supposed to find a female fox? Naruto let out a soft sigh as he dragged his fingers through Kurama's fur, it was soft and fluffy. It reminded him of a certain fox.

'Oi, kit,' Kyuu called out in his mind, stretching and yawning. 'So what do you plan on doing?'

'Well I still have many more places to travel to before I settle down, so I don't really know,' Naruto responded, subconsciously petting Kurama. 'I probably should start heading towards the Sand Village, say hi to Gaara and maybe stay a few days, before leaving.'

'You need to change your wardrobe if you plan on doing that,' Kyuu said, talking about Naruto's orange jumpsuit and pants. 'Orange makes you too obvious and you're gonna die from the heat if you do stay in that orange thing.'

Naruto agreed, seeing that his orange jumpsuit would have to go. He would miss it, but it was okay. After five minutes of planning, Naruto carefully picked up Kurama and placed him in his bag, leaving it unzipped so the kit could breathe. The nearest town was five miles away and Naruto was planning on getting there as fast as possible and quickly choosing something more decent to wear.

The town he had entered was fairly big, bigger than the first town Naruto had been to. It was actually nice-looking, not over the top fancy but not too shabby, it was decent. It had its bads, but it was evened out with the goods. This was the town Naruto fit in, right in the middle, and he found himself enjoying what the town had to offer.

'I wonder what it would be like to live here,' Naruto thought, catching himself before he went and asked if their was any available apartments. 'Quit it, Naruto. You're only here to stock up on supplies and buy new clothes.'

Naruto sucked in a deep breath before letting it out, he needed to find a clothing shop. Setting out, he found one pretty quickly, it was positioned on a corner block and it looked homey and comfortable. Stepping inside, Naruto started looking around and rifling through clothes to find the perfect outfit. After picking out a pair of clothes Naruto rushed to the dressing room and tried on the clothes. He sometimes had to change the size and some colors, but he finally settled on black, cropped pants that fit perfectly, a grey long-sleeved shirt, a black vest (looks like the jounin's green vest except without symbols), red gloves, dark grey shin, arm, knee, and elbow guards, a black cloak, and gray shinobi sandals. Naruto smiled at his reflection and deemed himself ready.

No-one would recognize him from behind, but they would know it's him when they see him whisker marks. Naruto didn't worry about that though and bought the clothes along with extra pairs. It was always good to be ready. Naruto looked into his bag to see if Kurama was awake when he heard the door to the shop open. He didn't bother worrying about it since it was a public shop, but the presence felt...familiar somehow. The hair on the back of his raised and a man stepped next to Naruto to talk to the shopkeeper.

"Have you seen this man?" The voice was tired and sounded concerned, but shocked Naruto the most was that we pulled out team seven's first photo together and the voice was familiar. "I'm looking for this blond. His name is Naruto Uzumaki."

Hope you enjoyed! :). This took awhile since I got a little sidetracked this morning with work. Anyway, see you next chapter. Ciao.


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