12. The First Step

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It turns out that Kakashi is a jōnin instructor, which apparently means he teaches genin to be soldiers.

"I can't believe the Hokage is still making me go with you." I scowl at kick at a rock on the side of the road.

"It's probably because of your outburst that he won't budge." Kakashi's as unhappy about this as I am, maybe more so. He insists I'll slow down him and his team, not that he's ever actually taught anyone.

"The Hokage says that you've failed every genin team you've had to evaluate. Why?"

"Because it's true." Is all Kakashi says, and I have to stop for a moment to figure out what he meant.

"Because it's... Hey! That's not what I meant and you know it!" I yell, running to catch up with him. He's worse than an English teacher.

"Do I?" He asks in that frustratingly mild tone of his.

"Yes! Now answer me properly!" I demand.

"Only if you say please."

"Please!" Some might consider it a matter of pride not to, but I need to know.

"I failed them because they didn't get it."

"Get what?" I'm only more confused, but Kakashi's done talking. He stops at a large stone propped up on a stone platform, engraved with what looks like names. There must be hundreds on there, all carved carefully into the polished surface.

"The Academy's not far from here, I want you to wait for me there." He tells me.

"Are you not coming?" I frown.

"It doesn't matter, they won't last long. Also - don't tell them I'm here." It's an odd request, but I agree anyway.

"Um, before I go - where is this academy place?"

"Right by the Hokage's office, in front of the Hokage monument. You can't miss it." Kakashi doesn't look at me - all his focus is on that stone. I huff, turn on my heel, and leave, stalking back the way we came. If he was just going to send me away, why bother taking me with him in the first place? I don't think I'm ever going to understand how his head works.

It takes a while, but I eventually manage to get back onto the main road. In one direction is the gate, in the opposite a cliff, with what looks like giant heads carved out of the stone. Kakashi called it the Hokage monument, so I guess it must be like America's Mount Rushmore, only with the heads of the original Hokage on it.

As I get closer, I see one head that looks a lot like the current Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. That must mean this village is pretty new. He's the third head along, so he must be the third Hokage. Then who's that guy after him, the fourth?

When I reach the Hokage's office, I see groups of three kids with one adult filtering out of a building just off the Hokage's office. That must be the Academy. Iruka stands outside, seeing the groups off, and I can't help but blush slightly. When he spots me, he grins brightly. He has a really nice smile, and I blush harder at the thought.

"Hey there, Maya. Where's Kakashi?" Iruka frowns slightly when he sees that I'm alone.

"He's-" I hesitate. When Kakashi asked me not to tell them where he was, did that include Iruka? They didn't seem close when I saw them last...

"Late? I'm surprised, considering his record. Well, anyway, no use keeping his students waiting. Why don't you go in and meet them?" Iruka suggests before starting to walk away.

"Yeah. Wait - where are you going?" I call after him.

"Kakashi's is the only group left, and I was just leaving before I saw you. Good luck!" With that's he's gone, and I'm left standing alone outside the Academy.

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