30. Tell Everybody I'm On My Way

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We meet by the gates in the late morning that same day. Everyone has a small, simple green back slung over their shoulders, except the bridge builder, who only has the red flush on his cheeks. Apparently, that's all he needs.

Asuma walks me up to the group, and I can tell by the way he rests his hand on my shoulder that he senses the tension immediately. Naruto sees me and quickly looks away, obviously hurt. I bite my lip - I'll need to apologise to him later. No, now. Without saying a word, I grab his elbow and lead him away from the group, ignoring the other's questions and Asuma's gentle assurances. In the shade of an alley between two buildings, I face him and bow.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you before. It was unreasonable and totally uncalled for - you were only trying to help and I threw it back in your face. I'm really sorry." I don't raise my head after I've finished, not even in the silence that stretches between us. It ties my stomach in knots, but I stay bowed over, waiting.

"Heh." Naruto laughs, and I look up. He's grinning, one hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"You might not believe it, but... This is the first time someone's apologised to me like that." He says, looking stupidly happy.

"Well, I did a really mean thing. Isn't it natural to apologise properly?"

"Yeah, but you didn't have to. I would have forgiven you." I forgot - he doesn't have many friends in the village. I straighten up and wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tight.

"Thank you." I whisper. I can feel his face heat up against my cheek as his hands tentatively come up to my back and he lightly hugs me back. His grip tightens suddenly and he presses his face deep into my shoulder. I wonder when I'll stop forgetting how alone he's been?

When he pulls away, his eyes are red and his nose is running, but he's giving me a million-watt smile all the same. I smile back as warmly as I can and wait for him to clean himself up before heading back to the others.

"You two sure took your time." Sasuke raises an eyebrow at us.

"You shut up!" Naruto yells, already all riled up. I go to stand next to Sakura and she stares at me silently.

"What?" I ask after a good 2 minutes of this.

"Are you... Okay?" She asks slowly.

"Mm." I shrug. What can I tell her? Yeah, I'm just trapped in a totally unfamiliar and crazy world all alone and yelled at one of the few friends I have because my survival instincts are just that awesome? No way, that would take way too much explaining. Especially the part where I've been lying to everyone for weeks.

"Oh good, you're all here." Kakashi strolls up with a stupid grin on his face, and Naruto instantly turns to him.

"You're late to our very first C-rank mission!" He yells, a vein popping in his forehead. Sasuke just glares quietly.

"Couldn't be helped, I-"

"No more excuses!" Sakura and Naruto yell in unison.

"It's not an excuse." Kakashi protests mildly, like he doesn't care.

"The truth is, Kakashi..." All heads turn towards me, Kakashi's fastest of all.

"Doesn't own an alarm clock." Okay, so it's not the best excuse, but still.


"I realised when I went to take care if him the other day. He doesn't have an alarm clock."

"Who doesn't own an alarm clock?" Sakura raises an eyebrow, obviously thrown.

"Man, that's so stupid." Naruto moans, tucking his arms behind his head again. Why does he even do that?

"Che." Sasuke clicks his tongue.

"Wait - Kakashi-sensei, were you really that ill?" Sakura asks, picking up on the full meaning of my words.

"I wasn't that-" he tries to protest, but I'm not going to allow that.

"Shut up, you full-on passed out on me!"

"Did not."

"Did too!"

"Great, now they're at it..." Asuma sighs.

"Who else does Maya fight with?" Sakura asks him.

"I don't fight with anyone-" I state indignantly, but Asuma cuts me off.

"Konohamaru, mainly, but that's on him."

"Why?" Naruto cocks his head to the side.

"He keeps calling Maya an intruder." Asuma takes a long drag on his cigarette.

"Why didn't you say so? I'll talk some sense into him!" Naruto yells, fist raised.

"Don't you need sense to talk sense?" Sasuke mutters, and I'd hate him a lot less if that wasn't actually good. Damn him.


"Don't bother, Naruto." I sigh, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Maya's right, we need to go." Kakashi says, suddenly all professional.

"I was wondering when you'd all shut up." The bridge builder grumbles.

"I didn't see you- mmph!" Kakashi covers my mouth before I can retort.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing at all." Kakashi says innocently. I glare hard at him. Jerk.

Asuma watches us go as we file out through the gates, giving me a lazy wave when I look back over my shoulder.

It feels strange to be leaving Konoha, even for just a few days. In the month I've been here, this crazy village has started to feel more and more like a home to me. Still, how much longer will I have to stay here? And how long until I can get back home? I wonder if my mum's okay... The thought makes me stop suddenly in my tracks.

"Maya? Is everything alright?" Kakashi asks.

"Huh?" I stare blankly at him. I can't believe I've barely thought about my mum since arriving here. With me gone, she's all alone in our little house. Has she called the police? Are they looking for me? How long have I been missing there? Has she even had time to notice?

"Don't just stand there, stupid, hurry up!" Sasuke snaps, and my feet start walking towards them, but my head's a whole world away.

A/N: sorry it took so long to upload this, my final coursework deadline was this week and it consumed my life. But I'm free now until mid-May! Yay! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did, please vote and leave a comment, it helps me write better if I know what you liked or if you can spot anything I missed.

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