66. Retail Therapy

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The clothes Ino picks out for me are more girly than I'm used to.

Despite all my grandmothers attempts to make me more lady-like, it never caught on. My mother was too much of an influence, and she never cared about makeup or looking girly; she was too secure in herself for that.

The light kimono and obi, as it's apparently called, work to accentuate a figure that's only just starting to show, and even then only barely.

"I don't think this really suits me." I pluck nervously at the fabric, and try to ignore the way the loose collar would undoubtedly show off my vivd scar.

"Posh. You look amazing." She's twisting my hair up around her hand and holding it experimentally at the back of my head. The clothes are pretty, sure, but...

"It's not exactly practical."

"That's the fun of it. You don't need to wear practical clothes; enjoy it!" There's an edge of envy in her voice. This would probably look better on her, but I guess being a shinobi makes wearing pretty things harder.


"Just try wearing them," Ino pleads, "if you really hate them, store them away for formal occasions, but I'm certain you'll grow to love them!"

"They're just so fancy..."

"If you dress fancy, people will think you are fancy, and you'll get more respect. I've been trying to convince Hinata to dress like this for years, but she's too shy." Now that I think about it, this would probably suit Hinata better, too. Or Sakura. Not me. They don't suit me.

"Blue isn't really my colour..." Ino's face falls into a pouting frown, and my stomach drops. She's getting impatient, I can tell. I bite my lip and drop my gaze to the bottom of the mirror, hands fisting in the yukata. Ino sighs and I feel hands on my shoulder before I'm turned around and confronted by steady blue eyes.

"You look really beautiful in this." She says simply, absolutely certain, and it's hard to be unsure when she's looking at me like this is a universal truth.

"... Okay." I relent, and she jumps back with a squeal, clapping her hands, the moment of seriousness gone as quickly as it had come.

"Yay! Okay, don't bother changing back, we'll just pay and have them stick your old clothes in a bag. Come on!" She grabs mine and Hinata's hands and pulls us from the dressing room, ignoring how we trip over our own feet.

A/N: what is writing? Why did I choose this hobby? Why do I want to do this for a career? Eugh.

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