71. Say What?

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I'm standing in the middle of my makeshift bedroom/storage room, a fresh yukata in hand, looking over the space. It's kind of sad looking, with boxes piled along one wall and a clothes rail (a compromise Tsuyoshi and I reached between a wardrobe and an empty cardboard box) hanging with brightly coloured yukata.

A distant knock on the door downstairs breaks me out of my thoughts, and I scramble to get changed as I shout down;

"I'll be there in a minute!"

I'm still tying the obi around my waist as I thunder down the stairs, trying not to trip on the hem. I fling the door open, and am greeted by the slightly bemused expression of the Hokage. My hair hasn't been brushed, and I'm a little flushed from my rush.

"I hope I'm not interrupting?" Does he realise how it sounds a little bit like an innuendo?

"No, I uh, I just wasn't dressed. Masumi and Tsuyoshi aren't in, it's just me." I'm not exactly sure how to stand, and I fidget nervously, crossing and uncrossing my arms, leaning against the doorframe and standing up straight.

"Ah. Would you mind if I come in anyways, catch my breath? It's not a short walk back." He laughs, and I'm more than a little thrown, to say the least. Does he remember the many, many times I've shouted at him?

"Uh, sure." I step out of the way and trail after him as he shuffles into the kitchen. Now that I'm not trapped under his all-too-direct gaze, I realise he isn't in his usual gear, switching out the red and white robes for a simple maroon yukata.

"Do you want tea?" I ask, trying not to fiddle too much.

"Yes, that would be lovely. Masumi should have some green tea in, if I recall." He says, but I double check anyways. We were running low already, but there's still a couple of teabags left. Enough for both me and the Hokage.

He grunts as he takes a seat at the table instead of the counter, wincing just a little. I suppose he must feel as old as he looks.

"I assume you've been well?" He asks as I fill the kettle and dump the teabags in two mugs.

"Yeah," I lie, the word coming out as more of a squeak than anything else, "have you?"

"I have, though my work keeps me busy." He wheezes a laugh, and my head spins. Is this really the man I've done nothing but butt heads with since I arrived here? It can't be.

"That's, uh..." that's what? Good? It's something, I guess. Not bad.

"Is something worrying you?" The Hokage asks as the kettle starts to whistle.

You. I place the tea in front of him and retreat back to lean against the counter rather than sit at the table.

"No, not really." My voice has gone a whole octave higher, and he looks expectantly at me.

"It's just... we've never gotten along, and now you're here, and I'm making tea, and we're talking calmly and it's... it's really weird." There's nothing on this cup to pick at, so I have to settle for gripping it a little too tight.

"Ah, I see." He says. Neither of us say anything for a moment as I stare into my cup and try not to hyperventilate.

"Would it surprise you," he says, and I jump, covering it by taking a sip of tea, "to learn that I actually quite like you?" I choke.

"What?!" I yelp, and he chuckles.

"Not at first, of course. When we first met I found you unbearable. You spoke loudly about things I thought you couldn't possibly understand, and you were blatantly disrespectful," oh gee, thanks, "but it seems that's part of what others find so charming about you."

"I am not charming." Let's cut that train of thought right there. Call me likeable, sure, I can maybe see that, but charming is the absolute last thing that I am.

"I suppose not," he laughs, "nevertheless, most people you've met seem quite taken with you, with the obvious exceptions." I think of Konohamaru and my mouth twists down.

"I guess..." I shrug. Most might be an overstatement. It's really only a couple of people.

"Masumi is very protective of you. She doesn't take to people easily, my daughter, but she's becoming very fond of you. With that in mind, I have something to ask of you." He says, tone too mild, expression too neutral.

"What's that?" I ask, suspicious.

"Would you consider allowing Konoha to become your home, at least until you can return to your own world?" A piece of me instantly rebels against the idea. Oxford is my home, not this strange world. I don't belong here, and I don't want to.

Another part of me, the sensible part, the part that sounds like my mum, says that he's got a point. I don't know how long I'm going to be here, or if I'll ever be able to leave. How much longer can I spend in this weird in-between? How will living like that make me happy? Would it be so hard to belong?

"I..." I swallow and frown as the words stick in my throat, "I'll think about it."

"That's all I can ask. Now, I must return to my duties." He rises and I swear I hear his joints creak over his pained groan.

I show him out, body on autopilot as my mind tries to get itself sorted. As soon as the door closes I let my forehead thump against it and try to think at a pace slightly slower than a mile a minute.

What the Hokage said makes sense. Staying in limbo like this, here and yet not belonging, is just going to make me miserable.

I squeeze my eyes shut tight, pressing my forehead harder against the door, before jerking back, yanking it open and almost stalking out.

A/N: okay so it's been ages since the last update, sorry, but here it is and hopefully the next one will be ready soon too

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