52. Dan-ger-ous Wo-man~

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I'm still standing in something close to complete shock when Kotetsu comes running up to me.

"Man, you're a mess." He comments.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." I blink and try to focus on him. Why was Kasumi so upset? I only collect towels, that's not exactly essential, anyone could do it...

"What happened?"

"Is it okay to leave Izumo alone at the gate?" I ask instead of answering his question.

"Probably not. I'll walk you back in."

"Sure." I nod and follow him back to the village.

Ever since I first arrived here, I've been cautious of Konoha's gatekeepers. While I later learned that it was Izumo who grabbed me and delivered me to Ibiki with Kakashi, my suspicion also extends to Kotetsu. While he seems harmless enough, I just can't bring myself to trust him. So even as I walk with him, I give him a wide berth. He glances at me out of the corner of his eye, and sighs.

"We're not gonna hurt you, y'know." He tells me, and I bite down on my lower lip.

"Sorry..." I mutter. This isn't the first time he'd tried to reassure me, but I was still wary.

"Izumo was just doing his job."

"I know."

"And I've never even touched you." That's true enough. The day after my arrival here, Kotetsu had tried to ruffle my hair. After everything, I'd freaked and flinched back. He hadn't even come close to me since.


"You're really not comfortable here yet, huh?"

"I am trying." I try, but I can't even convince myself. I'm not trying, because I have no intention of staying. I want to go home.

"Mm." Kotetsu doesn't say anything after that, just looks pensive as we pass under Konoha's arch into the village.

"Um, see you." I give them a little wave with my good arm before making my way to the hospital. The pair watch me go. Distantly, I hear Kotetsu sigh again and murmur something to Izumo.

"... Kid so suspicious... Really done a number on her..." Is all I manage to catch. I don't pause to listen further, and before I know it I'm stood in front of Konoha's hospital.

An orderly wheels a recently discharged patient out of the doors while I stand staring blankly at the stark white building.

"Maya? Is that you?" They call. Once I focus properly on them, I realise we've met before.

"You're the nurse who gave me that hot chocolate." I call back, and they grin widely.

"I'm glad you remember me! But you look pretty banged up, let's get you inside." They guide me through the hospital doors and into an empty office.

"Sit up there." They gesture towards the simple bed in the corner of the room covered in a white paper sheet. I sit in the middle and wait patiently, legs crossed at the ankle.

"If you just wait here, I'll grab a doctor to look at you."

"Thanks." I say, and they leave the room. I look absently out of the window, and for a moment a sense of deja vu hits me. I am, once again, sat on a hospital bed looking out over a strange city and wishing with all my heart to be back at home.

A/N: my excuse for not uploading yesterday was a hangover. That, and I stayed out until 2AM with almost complete strangers. Stay safe, kids, and make sure you always stick with a friend. Thank you all for your comments and votes!

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