56. TFW You Forget To Add A Title

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Today marks the end of my second month in this strange world.

I stare in silence at the calendar pinned to one of my towers of cardboard boxes. It's the only thing I've bought since coming here. The loose pages flutter gently in the breeze from the open window.

It's nice here, once you get past the child soldiers and insane powers. Despite being early spring, the air is warm and the sun shines brightly. Nothing like England. I sigh heavily and flop back onto my futon, watching the rickety old fan spin around and around.

Today is one of those slow days. I get them every now and again. I'm not needed at the bathhouse and squad 7 is taking a break, leaving me with two choices; stay at the Sarutobi house and watch Yoko, or trail after Kakashi. I don't particularly feel like napping in the field before the monument today, not after I became a bug-magnet last time. I itch absently at my forearm at the memory.

The itch quickly spreads, and I have to roll over onto my stomach to stop myself from scratching at my still-healing wounds. At least I'm able to go home, Sasuke's still in the hospital.

"Maya?" Tsuyoshi pokes his head around my door, "Asuma's here with his squad. You should come down and say hello."

"I'll be right there."

"You need help getting up?"

"No, I've got it." He nods and leaves. With strict instructions not to pull my stitches, getting up is an exercise in patience and the tiniest movements. I can't just push myself up using my arms - mostly because I have only one working shoulder - so I gather my knees under me and press the top of my head into the ground until I can move my one good arm to a position where it can actually be of any use.

So now I'm kneeling. I look around the room, mouth twisted to the side, for anything I can use to help pull myself up. The piles of cardboard boxes are all too unstable, so I sit back and swing forwards into a crouch. Now for the hard part - relying on only my legs and one hand to get me upright without straining my abdomen.

"You look ridiculous." Someone observes from the doorway, and there's Asuma, cigarette dangling from his lips.

"Please don't smoke in here." I frown at him. He chuckles and stubs it out on the sole of his shoe before flicking the butt through the window.

"Need a hand?"

"I can do it." I grunt, already trying to push myself up.

"Well hurry it up, Ino's threatening to come up here." He makes no move to leave, instead watching me wobble upright. By the time I'm stood up, I'm red in the face.

"Told you I could do it." I pant, grinning triumphantly.

"Yeah, yeah. Remind me to get you some training, that was painful to watch."


A/N: Experiment failed, let's just intimidate people with how ridiculously long this is gonna get.

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