42. Plot (Because That Had To Happen At Some Point)

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Atsushi has never understood why his father keeps the corridor to his office so dark. But then, there is a lot he doesn't understand about his father.

"Enter." A soft voice calls. The office is also swathed in darkness, and his father's face is in shadow. The large desk he sits at takes up most of the room. The walls are covered in floor to ceiling bookshelves, full of thick, leather-bound books. The light from the open doorway shines on half of his face, illuminating one, sightless eye.

"Rekishikage-sama." He kneels and bows his head before his father. The kage title of their village has always been such a mouthful.

"Is it in place?" His voice is, as always, cold.

"Yes, Rekishikage-sama." Atsushi keeps his tone distant.

"You have done well." His father moves his head very slightly forwards in what Atsushi will take as a sign of approval.

"Thank you, Rekishikage-sama." He bows so his forehead presses against the floor, then rises, though his head remains lowered. If you ask him what his father looks like, he could not answer. He has only ever seen him in shadow, or through the shutters of his own eyelashes.

"We must begin now, before our window of opportunity closes. See to it."

"Yes, Rekishikage-sama. Let our victory be swift."

"And may history treat us kindly. You may go." Atsushi bows low again and stands, sliding open the door to step out into the shadowed hallway. Once the door is shut behind him, he leaves. Soft footsteps accompany his own. An outsider may mistake them for an echo. Not Atsushi, he knows them well.

"What is it, Satoru?" He asks, keeping his voice low.

"Will you really go through with this?" It appears to be his shadow asking.

"Of course." Atsushi does not look towards his companion. He doesn't need to. Satoru's chakra signature is as familiar to him as his own. No one could make an imitation good enough to fool him.

"Your father is a dangerous man, and this mission more dangerous still." Satoru reminds him.

"You don't have to come." Atsushi's lip curls upwards. These are empty words - Satoru would follow him into hell.

"My absence from your side will be noticed." The same lie as ever. Factually true, but not the real reason.

"I could give you orders." He quirks an eyebrow up, and he can almost feel Satoru's frown.

"I would not follow them. My place is with you, Atsushi-sama."

"I hate it when you call me that." It's his turn to frown, but he knows that in the shadows, Satoru is smiling. It's a rare thing, and an even rarer sight.


"I have been cursed with a sadist for an attendant."

"And I a masochist of a master."

"How cruel."

"We are safe now." Satoru says suddenly, and Atsushi sighs and collapses against a pillar.

"I hate that game." He whines, crossing his arm and scowling at his friend, finally out of the shadows.

"That's not my problem. Besides, it's necessary." Satoru shrugs easily, face carefully blank. Even relaxed as they are now, Satoru refuses to show emotion.

"I hate acting all serious and dry. It's dull."

"So childish." Satoru sighs, looking put-upon.


"I must ask again. Do you really intend to go through with this?" He turns suddenly serious, and Atsushi sighs. He never lets him relax for long.

"I have to. My father is wrong. This is not the way." Besides, they've already begun. There's no going back now.

"You'll be exiled as soon as they find out, they may even put a bounty on your head." Satoru doesn't pull his punches, and Atsushi winces.

"I know. It's a risk I'm going to have to take."

"Where will we go, afterwards?"

"I've chosen an ally. It may be difficult to convince them to trust us, but should we succeed, I believe we'll have a real chance of stopping my father."


"A village in Hi no Kuni. Konohagakure."

A/N: Some of you may have doubted me, but I do have an actual plot in mind. If you're confused, good, that's how it's supposed to be. These guys are all original characters, so just bear with and I'll introduce them as best as I possibly can as the story goes on.

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