20. Blind Leading The Blind

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Kakashi returns to four students with full stomachs and slightly smug grins. Just as he pops into view, Sasuke kicks my lunchbox back over to me. There's no way he didn't notice that, but no one mentions it. For a moment, he doesn't say anything at all, just stands there and stares down at us.

"So, uh, did we pass?" Naruto asks nervously. Kakashi sighs and drops down to sit cross legged in the dirt, hands resting on his knees.

"That's the hard part."

"What do you mean?" Sakura asks, more than slightly panicked. Is he saying all that work amounted to nothing?

"Well, you, Naruto and Maya managed to work as a team, and if you three were all part of the squad, you'd pass no problem. But Maya isn't a part of the squad, she's my assistant, and while using her was smart, ideally you'd need Sasuke to truly pass." All eyes turn to the jerk in question, who at least has the decency to flush slightly and look away.

"And you can't just pass these two because they need to pass as a team." I guess, and Kakashi nods. That's stupid.

"That's not fair!" Naruto yells, standing, "why should we have to fail just because Sasuke thinks he's too good to work with us?!"

"Quiet, Naruto." Sakura orders softly, and Naruto sits with a huff, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Consider yourselves lucky. I've decided to give you one more chance. Well, this chance is really for Sasuke, since Naruto and Sakura have already proved themselves. Maya, untie him."

"Sure." I stand and loosen the knot at the back of the post. Sasuke yanks himself free and glares at me.

"What're you mad at me for? I didn't tie you up." I mutter, pouting. He huffs and looks away. Seriously, why is he so grumpy?

"So?" He asks Kakashi, "what do I have to do?"

"Maya, put this on Sasuke." Kakashi doesn't answer him, instead holding out a strip of cloth for me to take.

"You want me to blindfold him?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Hurry up."

"Fine, fine. Stay still." I order Sasuke, and by some miracle he lets me tie the blindfold over his eyes.

"Can you see-"

"No." He snaps.

"Great." I say, and spin him around out of spite.


"Play nice, Maya." Kakashi doesn't sound like he really cares.

"Now then. Maya, bring Sasuke over to the trees. Naruto, Sakura, you come too." Kakashi continues, leading us back towards the forest.

"This task is very simple - a child could do it. Naruto, Sakura, you have to guide Sasuke through this forest without touching him, to a red flag in the middle of a clearing. Maya and I will make things more difficult to see how you react to interference. You have 1 hour. Go!" And with that, he shoves Sasuke hard in the back and pulls me away with him into the forest.

We stop by a little pond, I'm guessing somewhere between the team and the flag.

"Isn't this a bit juvenile for ninja training?" I ask.

"I didn't exactly have much time to think it up."

"You mean you went into this with only one test?"

"I didn't think they'd make it this far. Or you." He says softly.

"Gee, thanks." I deadpan, making a face. I know it makes sense that he wouldn't have faith in me, but it still sucks.

"Don't take it personally. You just didn't look like you could fit in in our world, but you've surprised me." It does little to lighten my mood, until I remember my role here and grin devilishly. I get to throw Sasuke off, using any means necessary. Spinning, shouting, throwing, shoving. Anything goes. Maybe it's petty, even cruel, but it'll be gratifying to watch the bitter little sod stumble about.

"You're looking forwards to this too much." Kakashi says after noticing my expression.

"Sasuke's getting on my last nerve. This is my revenge."

"Be careful, Maya. You may regret what you do today in the future." Kakashi's warning once again dampens my spirits, and I pout. Why does he have to ruin this?

"They're coming." He whispers, crouching. I copy his position, listening to Sasuke's crashing and Naruto and Sakura's instructions.

"Sasuke, go left."

"I am going left!"

"Further left!"

"You're directing me into a tree!"

"We're not. Go left! Left left left left left, there! Good, keep walking..."

Kakashi springs out of the bushes and gives Sasuke a strong spin, twisting him until he can't know up from down.

"Hey!" Naruto yells, but Sakura's already changing her instructions.

"You need to turn right a bit, Sasuke, or you'll go into a tree."

"I am turning right!"

"Just turn right." Naruto snaps, and Sasuke follows with a huff. This boy does not take orders well. But now it's my turn. Kakshi's already spun him, so that won't work. Instead, I give him a good whack upside the head as I dart past, Kakashi catching on quickly and pinching his arm. We keep coming at him from every direction, throwing him off.

"Sasuke, on your left!" Sakura yells, and Sasuke catches my wrist, trapping me in place.

"Nice try." He smirks, and in an instant I'm flat on my back, staring up at Sasuke standing above me, still blindfolded.

"You caught me." I laugh a little, stand, and brush myself off. Sasuke's frowning.

"I'm out," I tell him, "but Kakashi's still going to try get you." And I walk away, Kakashi's words still ringing in my ears.

A/N: where am I even going with this? I DON'T KNOW! I have more direction with later stuff, but getting there is apparently an issue. If only I could just skip these bits and get straight to the Chūnin Exams, where shit actually happens. But I can't, so you get to endure this mess with me.

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