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"What do you mean training?" I stare in what must look like utter horror at Kakashi.

"So long as you're under my watch, you're going to be put in more danger. So, either you stop mouthing off to deadly assassins, or you learn to defend yourself." Kakashi says calmly, and I flush. I really should probably work on both.

"That... Makes sense." I allow, and he sighs.

"It does more than make sense, Maya. This is what has to be done. I don't think Zabuza is dead." He says, and cold dread settles heavy on my stomach.

"He's- he's still out there?" I ask faintly, not really seeing anything.

"Quite possibly, and with the way you challenged him, I've no doubt he'll want you dead as a matter of pride." My throat closes up, and suddenly breathing is the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

"That's enough." Tsunami cuts in suddenly.

"She needs to understand-" he protests.

"You're scaring her. Leave it." She orders, and Kakashi falls silent. I don't fully register her words. It feels like the world is moving around me but I'm not a part of it. It isn't until Tsunami's face moves in front of my own and she grips me by the shoulders that I start to come back.

"I don't know you," she says, "and you don't know me, but I truly believe that these shinobi will not let anything happen to you. If Zabuza is alive, they won't let him hurt you, not again. They'll be ready this time. You just need to trust them."

"... I died." I whisper hoarsely.

"I know."

"I died." I say again, louder. It keeps hitting me, like so many tonnes of bricks. I was dead. I was dead. I was dead.

"Yes." Is all Tsunami says.

"And now- now Kakashi doesn't even believe he can protect me."

"He's just covering his bases."

"Is he? I've never been trained to protect myself before. What can he teach me in- in a matter of days that would be any use against an assassin who's probably trained for years?" My voice grows shrill with hysteria.

"I don't know. But if Kakashi believes it will help, I think you should trust him. He saved you once." She reminds me.

"Three times." I correct her without thinking.


"He's saved me three times. But this time, I died. I mean- I mean sure, I came back, but I was dead. I was dead."

"Yes, you were. And now you're alive. And Kakashi's going to continue protecting you as best he can. And you're going to make his life easier by learning as much self-defence as possible in the time we have. Because what else can you do?"

"Hide away forever?"

"If that's what you want, then you're not the girl I thought you to be."

"You mean stupidly reckless?"


"I think I can live with not being that."

"Really? This is a village of careful people, Maya. No one here takes risks. They stay safe in the roles they've held their entire life. But you, a civilian, accompanied shinobi on a mission to protect a stranger. Despite a threat to your life, you held strong, and you didn't beg. Nor did you run away afterwards. Perhaps your recklessness is stupid, but allow Kakashi to train you, and it will become bravery." I can see strength in her now, as she speaks. A storm rages inside her, even if she doesn't let it free. She believes completely in what she's saying.

"... If... If that's really true..." I start hesitantly, "then..." I swallow hard. Tsunami smiles softly at me.

"Get some more sleep, I'll tell Kakashi you'll be ready to start tomorrow."

A/N: You thought Maya would really be fine? HELL NO. I don't know how well I wrote this crisis of confidence, but hey, it's written! A day late, but still. Thanks for all your comments and votes!

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