36. Talk Shit, Get Hit

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Squad 7 leap into a defensive formation around me and the bridge builder, kunai clasped tightly in white-knuckled hands. In an instant, it strikes me that this is their first time experiencing real conflict. Will this really be okay?

"Three genin, two civilians, one jonin. How will this turn out?" A low voice mocks from somewhere deep within the mist.

"We won't know until you show yourself." Kakashi says boldly. The laugh that follows his words makes my blood run cold, and I unconsciously grip the back of Sakura's shirt.

"Tell me, have you Konoha genin ever heard of Kirigakure's silent killing technique?"

"It can't be the one you're using," I snap, all false bravado and a shaking voice, "because you don't freaking shut up!" I've barely finished the sentence when a cold steel edge presses against my throat and I'm faced by a set of piercing black eyes.

"How did he- ?!"

"Maya, get back!" Kakashi yells, but I'm already stumbling back, forcing the bridge builder back with me. Then the assassin grabs me by the front of my kimono and lifts me right off my feet.

"Urk!" I gag and struggle against his grip, holding tight to his wrist to try and take the strain off of my neck.

"Brats like you should learn their place." The assassin growls, and the blood drains from my face. Is he going to kill me?

"Put her down!" Naruto yells, but he doesn't come close. The look of agony on his face tells me that he's too afraid to.

"Oh, I'll put her down alright." He grins cruelly, and a sharp point presses against my stomach.

"I'll gut you like a fish!" He roars, and the point digs in and slashes across, leaving a trail of ice in its wake, that quickly turns to fire. Before the knife can reach my bellybutton, the assassin vanishes from my sight, and I drop to the ground. The next I see, he's flying through the air to land in a squat, and instead Kakashi stands before me in a fighting stance, facing the assassin.

"Keep away from my comrades." It sounds like a warning, and the edge of threat to Kakashi's voice makes me tremble. Sakura's already by my side, pressing her hands against the wound in my stomach.

"Ow!" I whimper, and flinch away.

"You need to put pressure on it," Sakura persists, "Naruto, hand me your jacket, we have to stop the bleeding. It's okay, Maya, I'll take care of you. Just keep still."

"We need to protect the bridge builder." Sasuke growls, and I try to shove Sakura's hand away.

"The jerk's right - nn!" Pain flares through me when I move even a little bit. The knife must have torn through muscle.

"Sasuke and Naruto can handle it just fine without me. Besides, Kakashi would kill me if I just abandoned his favourite." She smiles tensely and presses Naruto's bundled up jacket to my stomach.

"I'm not his - ow! - favourite."

"Well it's definitely not me, and it's not Naruto, so it's between you and Sasuke, and he only saved one of you from drowning so..."

"Because Sasuke can swim! AH!" My entire body goes weak at the pain that hits when I try to sit up and yell, and I fall back limply against the ground.

"You need to stay still." Sakura insists. Her eyes are frightened as her gaze flits from the wound to the battle to my face and back. Once her eyes finally settle on my own, I can see the dampness at the corners, and I reach up to dab at them without thinking, leaving a small smear of blood on one side.

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