Chapter eighteen

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I wrote the last chapter before I looked to see I now over 8 thousand reads! Thank you guys so much. I didn't expect this. I am just doing what I love❤️
I will start with shoutouts. For whoever is commenting daily and saying positive things. So....
Shoutout to....


Left some wonderful comments and I went and read ever single one!

QOTD; what is your worst subject in school?

My answer: I suck at math😂😑

Okay here is chapter 18;

Chapter 18

Ain't fakin it


I chug down the 5 hour energy drink. I Trimble at the nasty taste. Thank god Bailey left this. For some reason I thought he would leave like a stupid energy drink.

I put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I just leave my hair down. I slip on my sandals and head down to the shack. I walk in to see the rest of the group at our table. "Hey Rilen" Tyson said making everyone turn my way.

"Heyy guys" I shout.

"Ready to go" He ask me?

"Let me grab a Sunday real fast" I shout running to the counter.

I order a hot fudge Sunday and then go to them. "I want to ride with Bailey" I scream running up and jump in his jeep.

"Seriously" Tyson scoffs at me.

I giggle and let him in behind me. "I'm guessing the 5 hour energy worked" Bailey chuckles backing the jeep up.

"Yessss. It worked really good. I feel amazing" I say jumping up.

"OMG I love this song" I turn up the radio and scream the words to 'I know What you did last Summer.'

Bailey reaches over and turns it down. "Stop" I say turning it back up.

I dance to the beat.


"and this is the Eagle. She is very old we caught her back in 1997" the tourists said.

I look in the hole to see the pretty eagle. "Ma'am we ask you to put the Sunday away many of times and you are not doing it" some lady said.

"I paid 7 dollars for this I can't just just throw it away" I whine.

"Throw it say or I will kick you out" she threatens me.

"Well you know what. I chose my Sunday over you" I walk out.

I continue to eat it as it melts. "Rilen" a sharp voice interrupting my thoughts.

"That's me want my address" I ask turning to see Clare.

I turn to her and smile big. She can't help but chuckle. "Can you get in here please. Most of us won't leave without you" he confesses crossing her arms.

"-B-But my Sunday" I whine as it starts melting into ice cream soup.

"We can always go buy another Sunday. Throw it away Rilen" she commands.

I pout then throw it away. "Come on let's go" she leads me into the cave and pass the lady that threaten me earlier.

I do something casual and stick my tongue out at her. She gasp at me and I just laugh. I get back with the group. "About time you came back. You acting like you are 2" Clayton says.

"Let's don't start with who is acting 2" I spit at him.

"OKAY. I've had enough" Bailey shouts at everyone.

We all look at him hoping he doesn't blow a gasket. "Let's try to enjoy this" he says.

We walk over to come into a cave. The farther we go into it. The colder it gets. "This Is a cave the bats would stay in" the tourists reminds us.

"Ahhhh I hate bats" I shout dropping to the floor.

"There are no bats in here at the moment" she says, sounding aggravated.

"Thank Jesus" I say standing back slowly.

We keep going on till we stop at a high cliff. "I think we are jumping" I say to Bailey.

"We are not jumping" he says so sure.

Rilen; "But I think we are"

Bailey; "But we ain't"

Rilen; "What if we do"

Bailey; "We are not jumping"

Rilen; "You sure?"

Bailey; "Positive"

Rilen; "...I think we are jumping"

"Will you shut up" he chuckles lightly as he says.

We look at the tourist ready for her to start speaking. "Here you are not jumping" Bailey laughs, "but you will be zip lining."

I chuckle in Baileys face. "I am not doing this" Bailey shouts.

"No turning back now. The rock that we are on has already drifted out alittle" the tourist says.

We all turn to see we are just on 1 rock. "It will be fine I promise. You just grab around and push yourself off. The worst that could happen is you fall and you just land in water and we have guys down there to help you" she saids.

"Who first" I step forward.

They let a couple go first and then I go. I set my hands on the bar and push myself off. When I get in the middle I feel my body desire the water. So I do what I am told. I let go. I let out huge scream as I fall fast. "RILLLLLLLLEN" a husky voice screams.

I want to look up but now I really am scared. My Heart is racing and I am still falling. I finally land with a thud.

I feel my body being jerked out of the water. "Ma'am stay with us" they try to wake me up.

"Get out of my way" a demanding voice spits.

"Ril don't leave me" a voice says.

I let out a whine. I open my eyes to see Bailey before my eyes. "Why did you let go" he ask me?

"I wanted to feel the water" I confess.

He cracks a little smile before being serious. "That was dangerous" he reminds me.

"Dangerous is my middle name" I say.

"It is not" he laughs, "and you scared me" be holds my hand.

I look in his peaceful eyes to see he has tears rolling down his face. "I'm tired" I say.

"That thing does only last 5 hours. You sure ain't faking this all" Bailey says collecting me in his arms.


Soooo what is wrong with Rilen?

What's up with Bailey?

Why don't I have a boyfriend?

Will Clare pick Clayton over Her?

We have a lot of serious questions to answer here!

Thanks for reading!

I'll see you next time. Love you guys❤️

-Maddddie Out! 😜👍

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