Chapter twenty-three

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Hello my beautiful readers. Love and miss you all.

QOTD: school is almost out!🙄 what grade will you be in next year?

My answer; I'll be a sophomore(10th)

What about you guys? 

Btws I'm not doing the shoutouts anymore.

Okay here is

Chapter 23

Don't know how to pray


I throw the ball in the air and let it come back to me. "I can't believe her" I say.

"You can't beat yourself up" he says.

I look over at him. I shake my head at him and continue to throw the ball. I stop and roll over. "How are you feeling" Bailey ask me?

"Couldn't feel better" I say.

"I'm sorry you have to go through that" he whispers to me.

I look up at him and shake my head. "Come on I want to take you somewhere" he puts his hand out.

I stumble up and grab my phone and my purse.


Welcome to Phoenix. Arizona's Capital

"What the heck" I laugh, "are you on drugs."

"What" he ask turning down the radio?

"Why are we driving into Phoenix. You know how crazy it is up here" I confirm to him.

"It may be crazy but there is one place you will like" he says.

I trust him. I really do trust him. So I shut my big mouth and just go along with him. Ten minutes pass and we pull up to a church. I look at him weirdly. "What I'm catholic" he chuckles.

"Never could tell" I say under my breath.

"What was that Hamiey" he says.

"It's Hamilton you jerk" I laugh as he opens the front door.

We walk in and walk to the 5th row from the back. "Thank you all for coming tonight. Before we start I want to bow our heads and pray" the preacher-no pastor-idk what they call them.

I never really had a religion. I bow my head in respect but don't say anything. I don't even know how to pray. I hear faint whispers, realizing Bailey is praying.

I have no clue what to do. "And I ask you lord to forget my sins and forgive me" my mouth becomes dry when I hear the words come out of Baileys mouth.

You know when I first met him he was a huge douche bag but I don't why he is showing me how he changes. It's got me all confused.


"So is that your home church" I ask him as he speeds up on the interstate?

"Uh yea you could say that" he says.

"What's that suppose to mean" I ask?

"When my dad left us, mom would take me up there. She said she had history with that church and I always enjoyed it there" he says.

"Oh. I didn't really understand the lesson" I say.

"You mean the message he preached over" he ask laughing lightly?

I shook my head. "Didn't you ask God to help you understand it" he ask?

I shake my head in disappointment and I feel embarrassed. "I don't know how to even pray" I confess.

"Well we can fix that" he says laying his hand on my leg.


Well thanks for reading. Till next time byyyye love you guys.

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