Chapter forty

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Through out this chapter her mind goes back to her favorite times with Bailey. So don't be confused

QOTD: Are you sad that this is the last chapter?


Chapter 40

Dear Rilen,

When we met I was the bad boy that just wanted to party and get laid every night. I never thought that I would room with a girl and fall for her.

Rilen you drive me crazy. When I first met you, you stood at the door for 10 minutes just staring at me in disbelief. You didn't want to room with me and I didn't want to room with you. But I'm glad we stayed. You're so perfect in every way. I swear those late nights when we would cuddle and just talk about the dumbest things. That meant something. And when you started dating Elliot, that trigger something. It triggered my emotions. I became more aware that I was in love you and every little thing you did.

I had to leave. You see I couldn't focus or do anything. I couldn't stop dreaming of being with you. All I kept thinking about was you with Elliot and I about lost it. I'm studying over in Europe. I don't know when I'm coming back. Gosh I don't know if I will ever come back. It would probably be best for you to switch rooms with someone. You probably hate me anyways for telling you how to live your life. Telling you that Elliot isn't right for you( actually I still don't think he is right for you but that is just me.)

I love you and I will always love you. Till next time.

P.s. When I do eventually come back. I promise take you so many dates and spoil the crap out of you and finally we will have our first kiss. I can't wait to finally kiss you babe

A tear falls down my face. I can't believe he's gone.

Ring Ring

I glance over to my phone to see Clare calling. I don't wanna answer. I don't wanna talk to anyone.

I walkover to my bed and reach down the crack of my bed and pulled out one of Baileys hoodie. I don't wanna seem like a creep but I'm sleeping with it and I don't care what anyone thinks.

I close my eyes.

Baileys gone.
I don't know when I'll see him again.
I'm already miss him.
I miss his smile
His laugh
I'm gonna miss the way we always fought over who was gonna sit in that bean bag we bought. But he always won and I just ended up sitting on his lap.
I'm gonna miss the way he smiled at me when I was upset just to make me smile

When I opened my eyes I suddenly feel sick. I run to the bathroom and throw up. I decide to jump in the shower. I don't see Baileys soap or his shampoo I was using.

I walk up to my bed seeing.
Bailey laying on it. He winks
at me. "Get off my bed" I say in disgust.

"Hey baby girl you do know this is MY bed I just let you have
it last night saying it looked
like you were having a bad day yesterday" he says standing
up off my bed.

I can't help but smile at the memories. I made him so mad because he wanted that bed. I remember soon after we cuddled up in the bed.

"What are you laughing at you weirdo" someone said.

I turned to see Clare. "On nothing I just though of something"

"Wanna go to the shack" she ask me?

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