Chapter thirty-eight

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QOTD: Are you in high school or middle school? Or other?

My answer; High school

Chapter 38

"What the heck are you guys doing here" he spits.

"Woah you better watch your tone" Arin says.

"So I know what you did Clare" I state.

"There you go again putting your nose where it doesn't belong" Clayton spits at me.

"Do you not see the 6'3 guy standing in this room? You might want to watch the way you talk to me" I point out.

Is he that dumb?

Clayton chuckles. "Ya caught me" he puts his hands up, "but you have no proof."

"No proof"?

"What about the girl that you mentally and emotionally ruined. She went to an A student to a F student." I say. Which I don't even know why I'm saying this all. He know what he did to her.

"I don't freaking care" he smiles.

Arin loses it and punches him right in the gut. Clayton whines but stands back up. "Taking it like a man I see" Arin smiles.

"This is what you did to Clare and Rilen"

Arin punches him in straight in the face over and over and over. Blood starts pouring out. "You hit them and hit them and felt so good about yourself"

With one more hit in the face Clayton was on the ground. "And then they laid helpless on the ground just crying out for help. While you did nothing" Arin then picks him up.

"If you ever look, come near or talk to Clare I will destroy you" Arin husky voice says.

"And I'm being pretty easy on you right now since Rilen is here" he says.

"Okay" Clayton says holding his nose.

"And I mean it" Arin says in disgust.


Well that is handled nicely. I made Arin take Clare over to his room. She is so much safer over there with him. "Bailey" I say.


"Can you come and cuddle with me" I ask?

"Sure thing princess" he says coming my way.

He lays down and wraps his arm around me. I lay my head on his chest just listening to his heartbeat. It is racing. Is he nervous around me?
"Thank you" Bailey says.

"For" I ask as I use my fingers to rub his back.

"For taking care of me last night. You know you putting me to bed" he says.

"You're welcome" I smile.

"But I do fine it kind of awkward that you undressed me" he laughs.

I looked up and met his eyes. "Don't act like you didn't like it" I wink then smile ear to ear.

I lay my head back down on his chest to hear his heart is racing faster. I smile. I then close my eyes and drift off into a deep sleep.


I wake up with my feet intertwined with Baileys. I look up to look at his peaceful face. I rub my finger across his face. He places his hand on mine. I smile as I slowly get out of bed.

I slip on a pair of shorts then a random shirt. Right before I leave I walk over to Bailey and plant a soft kiss on his forehead. "I love you" Bailey says.

I stood back in shock. Who was he talking about?

He started rubbing his eyes. I had to get out of there. I then dart for the door and leave. "Brandon answer your phone" I say over and over.

"Hello this Brandon. Haha got you beeeeaach. Leave a voice mail BEEEEP"

The actual Beep

"Hey Brandon I kind of need to talk to you right now. I'm having a crisis. Please call me back"

After what seems like forever I get in my car and drive. I need to talk to him. And I don't got time to wait up on him.

After spending an hour and a half of driving and listening to basically just Justin Bieber. I jump Out of the car with excitement.

Knock knock

I realize that I've been doing a lot of knocking for the past 3 days.

"Yass" I hear Brandon say behind the door. I walk in and look around.

"Rilen thanks for visiting me on this special day" he says smiling.

"What is today" I ask not knowing what he is talking about?

"It's me day" he says.

"Isn't you day like every day" I can't help but crack a smile.

"True true" he smiles as I walk in.

I walk in and take a seat. "So what's up" he ask?

"So you know how I'm dating Elliot" I say.

"Mmmhh. Wait are you guys plan on doing it" he ask me?

"No. Not at all" I claim.

"Then what is it" he ask me taking a sip of his wine.

"I think I'm in love with Bailey" I spill out.

That wasn't the only thing that came out. Brandon spit his wine all over me "ew" I say.

He grabs a towel and starts cleaning it off my face. "I mean it's not that I'm gonna cheat on Elliott" I say then sigh

"Right. But do you love Elliot" he ask me?

I just stare at him. I think of everything that Elliot and I have been through. How at first when we met each other he told me that women ain't suppose to be lawyers. Which made me want to push myself more to succeed.

I then think of Bailey. How he has always been there for me. We bicker all the time but by the end of the day we end up cuddling and saying we are sorry. By the end of the night one of us ends up kissing each other on the cheek or forehead.

My mouth opens and answers truthfully. The most honest I've been in a while. "No"

"Then you know what to do" he says drinking his wine again.

I smile real big. I love Bailey. And all I want is to be with him


-It is coming so close to an end! How do you think this book is gonna end? Good? Or bad?

-Don't forget to go follow my Instagram and Twitter; @Damainmaddie

Also go and subscribe to my new YouTube channel! Here is the link

-I love you guys bunches!

-I will update as soon as possible!

-Maddddiee out!✌️🖤

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