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Daniel Robitaille was the son of a slave on a New Orleans plantation in the 1890's. A wealthy landowner chose him to paint a portrait of his daughter, Caroline Sullivan. The two fell in love despite their racial differences and as a result Caroline became pregnant. Her father was furious and chased Daniel out of town along with a . The mob caught Daniel and tortured him by cutting off his with a saw blade. After they removed his hand they poured over his body from a nearby hive. The bees Daniel while the "Candyman!"  

   found them and reached out to Daniel, but her father restrained her. She used a mirror to see Daniel's face and to let him know she loved him. Daniel sees himself in the and said "Candyman" with his last breath. Caroline hid the mirror in Daniel's birthplace and raised their daughter, Isabel. She didn't know that Daniel's soul was in that mirror forever.  

The only way for Daniel to find any freedom is for someone to say the name Candyman five times . When someone does this he is granted only a small amount of freedom, but he enjoys the opportunity to with people. As a thank you he always those who summon him a chance to go with him. A chance to be immortal like him, but instead of being alone like he was they would have his company forever.

He seems doomed to spend eternity alone with only his memory of his true love,.

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