The Suscon Screamer

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There are many tales about the Suscon Screamer. Some say it's a jilted bride others a girl in a prom dress and still yet another about a hairy beast called the Suscon Screamer. Many connect these apparitions with the Black Bridge, this isn't necessarily true. As a life long resident of Suscon I have heard many of these stories. The Black Bridge it self was only 9 foot high so it's hard to believe that a young girl jumped to her death from it, I guess it was possible that she hung herself with a very short rope. There has been many accidents in this area, the bridge was very low, very narrow and located around a blind turn. To pass through this bridge one would have to travel very slow and sound the cars horn to notify any oncoming traffic. So it could be the spirit of someone who died here. Some people say that the Suscon screamer lives under the bridge, not possible the road passes under the RR tracks not over.

Enough on this, now about the Suscon Screamer. The first stories about it appeared late in the 1800's or early 1900's. In those days fire towers were located through out the area each were located within sight of another.A fire was spotted in the Suscon area and fire fighters were sent out to extinguish it. As the fire was fought a terrible scream was heard frightening many of the firefighters. After the fire it was discussed among the fighters as to what it could have been. None of them could explain what would make such a horrible scream. Later in the day after all the firefighters had left, the watchman in the tower once again found himself alone when heard the scream. As he looked out over the burned out area he noticed something moving and the screaming seemed to be getting louder. As it came closer the terrified watchman crouched down in his small room at the top of the tower. Now the creature was directly under him. As he looked down he could see the creature looking back up at him screaming and clawing at the ground. Worried that it might climb the tower he locked the entrance to the tower which was nothing more then a hatch in the floor and waited , he wished that he had his rifle with him but for some reason this day he did not. Once again he peeked over the edge , the creature was walking away from him. He knew immediately what it was. A large creature sometimes standing and sometime walking on all fours with a pig like snout. It seemed that a large Black Bear had been trapped it the fire and had been severely burned and was crying out in pain. Over the years there has been many additions to this story most based on the above story. I myself have never seen the Screamer but can honestly say I have heard screams in the local woods. The best way I could describe it is that it is very much like a female being beaten or raped. Could there still be something there? I doubt that a burnt bear still roams the forest of Suscon. If animals can come back to haunt an area maybe it's back or never left. There is story about a young girl that was raped then murdered in the area perhaps that's her spirit that is heard screaming. That's another story for another time.

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