The Twins

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I was lucky to be dating someone like Rosa. She had the body of Jennifer Lopez, the face of Sofia Vergara, and the personality of...uh...some other famous Latina celebrity? The point is, God created her IMMACULATELY. I remember back in high school, she and her twin sister Ana were loners that always clung to each other's sides; of course, curiosity got the best of me and I asked how Ana was doing.

"Listen, I don't want you to ever speak to Ana," Rosa replied, voice full of consternation. "I have a restraining order filed against her."

"What? Why!" I asked, shocked at how family so close could be on such awful terms.

"Simple. Ten years ago, she killed somebody."


"Yeah. She stabbed her boyfriend after he tried breaking up with her. The judge deemed it an act of insanity, and she was committed to a mental hospital for five years. After her release, she stalked me incessantly until I sick of it one day and filed the order."

Well, that was the end of that conversation. For the next couple of days, I couldn't help thinking about Ana. How a sweet girl like her could kill someone...I just couldn't understand. Truth be told, I had a bit of a crush on her back in our youthful days. If I could only speak to her, figure out how this could happen...How two sisters so intertwined could become so resentful towards each other...Funny thing is, that's exactly how fate ended up working.

A week later, Ana showed up at my door. Conveniently, I might add, while Rosa was at work. I could tell it was Ana immediately just by looking through my door's peephole, because although they looked identical, their mannerisms were different. Ana stood tall and confidently while Rosa was often hunched over and spoke quietly. Rosa's beautiful, genuine smile was in stark contrast to Ana's shit-eating grin.

"Santiago. Can you let me in?" Ana asked calmly.

"You shouldn't be here. How do you know where I live?"

"I...admittedly, did some snooping. But I'm doing this to help you! I need to warn you about my sister."

I wasn't going to be fooled. "Bullshit," I countered. "You shouldn't be here. Rosa has a restraining order against you. Please leave."

"Actually, you have it backwards. I'M the one who has a restraining order against Rosa. And I have proof. But this damn peephole is no way to show you. Please, let me in to talk for a few minutes."

I was flabbergasted. Ana's tone was genuine, as if she couldn't be lying. I had to find out what the hell was going on. Besides, I could overpower her if she tried pulling out a weapon or something. I'd let her in, just for a few minutes...

"Nice place you have here," Ana said. "How have you been since high school, Santi?"

"I'm not here for small talk, Ana. Rosa would kill me if she knew I was talking to you."

"Okay, so I lied about having proof," she said cheekily. "But here! Here is my business card!" She handed me a small card that stated she was an attorney at a law firm.

"What am I supposed to get out of this?" I asked, irritated by her blatant lie.

"Are you serious right now?" Ana replied, incredulous. "What exactly did my sister tell you? That I was a murderer that stabbed my boyfriend ten years ago? That I stalked her? Think about it: I'm a SUCCESSFUL attorney, which would be IMPOSSIBLE if I had a criminal record. She's been telling these lies for years, the same old act...It's her, Santi. Rosa Sandoval, my beloved sister, is the one who killed her ex and stalked ME."

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