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I could tell you what our arguement started with, but a reason for an argument in a relationship, is never simply just the reason itself.

Every couple who've been together long enough will know what I mean. She could start by complaining how you forgot to do the dishes, and then it would cannonball into how five years ago you said something "off" to her which indicated how you didn't trust her enough. And being married for almost seven years, it's something I thought I'd gotten used to.

But, what seemed to start as an argument about how I never had enough time for her, after I got home very late from a really long and tiring work day, turned into another fight, and things got a little heated, I said and did a bunch of things I'm not exactly proud of, to which her response was to shut me out. She stopped talking to me.

It's been four days since, and she hasn't uttered a single word to me after that. I've begged her several times, apologized even more, I even held her hand on one occasion, she didn't flinch or pull her hand away, but she was still unresponsive. Sex is off the books, and she doesn't even try to look good for me anymore. I doubt she even takes showers.

When I got home today, she was in her usual fetal position curled up on the couch, and she smelled pretty disgusting. I think that's partly because she hasn't moved an inch from there for the last five days. I already cleaned up the blood and debris from her head wound with the vase, so I don't know what she's still so upset about.

I just wish she'd talk to me.

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