The Midnight Man

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don't try this

This urban legend is the only one which you can choose to experience for yourself, if you're so inclined. The Midnight Game is the popular name for a supposed ancient Pagan ritual. It's somewhat similar to the creepy Bloody Mary urban legend – you can think of the Midnight Game as the 21st century version of the myth of Bloody Mary.

If you want to try the Midnight Game for yourself (and frankly, I'm not sure why you would), you'll need the following list of things:

A candleA location with a wooden doorA few drops of your own bloodA blank piece of paperA lighter, or a box of matchersSalt (extremely important)

If you are planning to do this with other people, each person needs their own set of these items. I honestly don't recommend that you go ahead with trying this – the rumors surrounding this particular, very scary urban legend suggest that this game could very well be lethal, and can also cause permanent psychological damage for those who get out of it physically unscathed.

Again, we highly recommend that you don't actually do any of these steps – it makes for an interesting read, but frankly it's not worth the risk. To play the Midnight game, you need to follow these steps:

It must be exactly 12:00am in your location when you start this ritual, otherwise nothing will happen.
Write your full name (including your middle name, if you have one) on the blank piece of paper, and also put one drop of your blood on the paper and let the blood soak all the way through.Turn all of the lights in your location off. Go to the wooden door, and put the piece of paper in front of the door. Light the candle with a match/lighter, and place that on top of the paper.Knock on the wooden door exactly 22 times. The 22nd knock must occur while it's still 12:00am – meaning you must complete all the steps in less than a minute.Open the door, blow out the candle, and close the door again. Once the door is closed, you need to relight the candle as quickly as you can. The midnight game has begun – and you have let the midnight man into the room.Your only focus now should be to survive the presence of the Midnight Man. Make sure you keep the candle with you at all times – when it goes out, it means that the Midnight Man is near. In this situation you have about 10 seconds to relight the candle. You should be moving at all times throughout the game. You'll be able to feel the presence of the Man when he's close – you'll start feeling cold, the candle will go out, and you might also hear whisperings or see a black silhouette.IMPORTANT: If your candle goes out, and you fail to rekindle it within ten seconds, you need to scatter a circle of salt around yourself.

The game ends at 3:33am. If you failed to relight your candle and you failed with the salt, the common belief is that you will have vivid hallucinations of your deepest and darkest fears – hallucinations which you may never recover from.

At 3:33am, the Midnight Man will leave, after which you will be safe.


Turn on the lightsUse a flashlightGo to sleepUse another person's blood for your gameSubstitute a the candle with anything else (e.g a lighter)Provoke the Midnight Man

Please note – if you invite the Midnight Man into your life, it's suggested that he/it never really goes away.

That's the legend of the Midnight Game. Who knows whether it's a hoax or not – all I would say is that I definitely would not tempt fate by trying these steps.

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