My Belief

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Ghosts aren't real. I know that some of you who follow my blog think that since I write horror stories, I believe in ghosts. But, that's wrong. I may write tales about dark things stalking moonlight, but I do not believe in ghosts.

Let me make one thing clear, I do believe in the paranormal- just not ghosts. Cryptids, demons, aliens, and the like are more plausible than remaining vestiges of the human soul being left behind after the body's death. It might sound hypocritical in some aspects, but it's the truth. Despite all the "evidence", no-one can convince me that ghosts exist.

And the "evidence"? Well, it's fake.

Don't take everything that the television shows or what people say at face value. It should be obvious to anyone who is a rational thinking adult that people lie. Photographs can be altered in Photoshop to show the image of a shadowy figure standing behind a curtain. Witnesses who have lived in "haunted houses" are either crazy, high on some crack, or just playing the crowd for attention. Even video isn't safe from being manipulated.

Look, I know that the thought of dying scares some people and that we believe in an afterlife to combat the soul-crushing certainty that nothing exists beyond this world. And I understand why, I don't care if you do believe in spirits. But, as for me, I have no reason to.

Not one of my victims has ever came back to haunt me.

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