Just A Heads Up

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"What the hell is making that noise in there?" I said while staring at my bathroom door while the banging's remain consistent. It was so loud I was able to hear it from my room downstairs.

Now, I live alone, so it's definitely not someone I know in there. It's also not possible to break in from the outside because there's no window in the bathroom, and even if there was, I live in the top floor. Who would go that far to break into my apartment?

Bang, Bang, Bang

"Alright, moment of truth, time to see what I'm dealing with." I inhaled and exhaled to calm myself.

I open the door.


Nothing. Of course.

Before I could return downstairs while condemning myself as a schizophrenic, I notice a piece of paper on the bathroom floor. It looked like a letter

I picked it up.


Alright look, I'm not supposed to say anything, but I thought it would be fair to at least give you a heads up. The banging on the door? That was me. I was nothing but a distraction. To lure you away from downstairs to here. It was all so that THEY can prepare the ritual down there.

If you value your life and sanity.

DO NOT go back downstairs.

Your best route of escape would be one of the windows here on the upper floor.

I know, your chances of survival are pretty low. But if I have to choose either suicide or what's downstairs...

I would pick suicide over and over again.

Good Luck.


A spirit who felt pity.


"T-this is a joke right?" I tried to deluded myself, but I then started to hear some slight noises downstairs.

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