I'm A Normal Guy

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The girls in the apartment across the street from me are always smoking cigarettes in their living room. I know because I can see them through their window. They aren't supposed to smoke in there, but I'm not going to tell anyone.

Three windows down, two to the left is where they live. One blonde and one brunette. And no, it's not what you think, I don't just sit at my window in the dark and stare at them all the time. Honestly, I think I'm a normal guy.


But I see things, yeah? Passing by my window I see a pretty girl on her balcony, of course I notice a thing like that. Or when the brunette invites that same guy over all the time and I see them hugging and sitting close together on the couch while they smoke their cigarettes. He's really good looking too, so I'm pretty sure that he's just her brother or something. It's fine, really. Not mad about it.


Sometimes, the girls smoke outside on their balcony. Sometimes I'm out there at the same time. What a coincidence! For some reason they never look up. I even bought a pack of cigarettes to have ready if they see me on my balcony. Maybe they'll see me smoking and wave to me, like I'm a normal person.

I even bought the same brand of cigarettes that they smoke. I saw the box on their coffee table the last time I sneaked into their apartment to watch them sleep. Ha! We'd have something in common, maybe we could even talk about it! On Fridays, I wear a suit to work. Maybe I'll wear my suit when I'm on the balcony, waiting. Girls like men in suits. I wish mine fit better, the sleeves are too long.

I think she's a graduate student. The brunette. She's always carrying big books around and she's definitely young and fit enough to be a student; she always jogs every other night around 8:30. It's always the same days. She really should be careful though, she sometimes wears a black sports bra and leggings that makes her really hard to see. She shouldn't be running late at night, alone.

The blonde put a pumpkin out on their porch for Halloween. I put one out on mine the next day. Maybe they'll see my pumpkin and we'll have a laugh about it, and they'll think I'm a normal guy that definitely doesn't want to hurt them.

I threw the pumpkin away. It was starting to rot, and they hadn't noticed it anyway.

The brunette should be going for her jog any minute now. And I haven't seen her wear her black sports bra in a while, so I hope tonight is the night. I love that sports bra.

The blonde has been on the balcony a lot. On the phone, crying and pacing. I don't think she's seen the brunette in a while and she's probably freaking out. I know the rest of the town is. I've seen the posters, it really is sad. Maybe if I'm out on the porch at the same time as the blonde, she'll see me and I can tell her that I haven't seen her roommate.

She'll think I'm just a normal guy, and certainly not the person who has a brunette girl chopped up in his bathtub, rotting, rotting, rotting away.

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