The Tapping

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  I was Layin in bed and kept hearing the sound of something tapping from my sons room I thought maybe he was awake and playing with his toys. When I walked in his room he was asleep, so I shrugged it off and layers back down.

 A few minutes later I heard the tapping again and my son came running to my room crying and screaming "daddy please make the tapping stop!" So a little freaked out I grabbed my gun and told him to hide in the closet crawl space. I then Called the neighbor over who was my best friend and told him what was going on. He had previously lived in the house and said he had heard it to when he lived there. So he comes over and we search the house too to bottom and when we walk back to my room my son is on the bed laughing and saying " It's ok daddy the little girl was tapping." Then my friend walked in the room and turned ghost white looked at me and said "She was my daughter."  

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