Shadow Person Story

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So one night I was visiting my grandma. She lives in the middle of po-dunk nowhere here in the deep south. A little backstory – this year, her husband died, IN HER ROOM, and her ex-husband also died in the hospital.

I was visiting to keep her company and whatnot.

Anyway, we were laying in bed watching The Dead Files on Travel Channel, and Amy Allan is talking about shadow people.

My grandma randomly asks, "What's a shadow person?"

I give her my best explanation, not thinking much of it. A little while later she reveals to me that for a period of about 2 weeks, very recently, she had a shadow person visit her EVERY NIGHT. It would lay in the bed with her and talk to her. She said it never felt scary, just kind and comforting. An "everything-is-going-to-be-okay" type entity. She did not sense that it was my grandfather or step-grandfather.

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