Formula Run

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It had been days since Reid has spoken to me or Darrick.  He seemed to be going out of his way to avoid both of us but especially me.  I can't sleep tonight, not that sleep came all that easy these days as it were but this situation was really eating at me.  I was getting angry the longer he stayed away and pouted like some stupid kid.  We just met, it's not like we're married or anything, he really has no reason to act the way he is.  I walk outside into the yard.  Half hoping as I walked passed Reid's cell he would hear and follow.  Maybe we could have a chance to talk.

One of my favorite things about north Florida compared to south Florida has always been these cool, clear, starry nights.  All those stars dotting the black sky always seemed to relax me.  Now though, you could really hear the groans of the dead at night.  "Hey," a gruff voice said from behind me causing me to jump.  I broke my gaze from the night sky and spun around.  I sighed.

"Geez, Darrick. Give someone a heart attack!"

He chuckled, "Sorry, heard you leave the block.  Just wanted to make sure you were alright."  I nodded and then turned my gaze back up to the sky before replying.

"Yeah, I'm fine.  Just couldn't sleep and staring at the stars at night always used to help calm me down, but with their noises it's a little wierd." He nodded biting his thumb nail as he stared up at the stars with me.

"Reid talked to you yet?" I shook my head.

"Not for days. Why has he said anything to you?"  Darrick shook his head.  "Why is he being like this?" 

Darrick shrugged, "He's been burned and it's hard for him to trust anyone.  He'll come around, he just needs his time."  I looked at him unsure.  "You comin' back inside?"  He asked holding his hand out to lead me back inside.  I shook my head no.

"I'm gonna stay a while, the fresh air is nice."  I sniffed inhaling the scent of the dead outside the fence. "Well, the idea of fresh air anyway," I said chuckling as I scrunched up my nose. Darrick laughed along with me and before heading inside he said, "Be careful.  I know we're inside the fence but it still doesn't hurt to be safe."  I nod as I take in a deep breath and plop myself down on the bleachers.

The growling had seized to creep me out tonight and instead the steady sound of their groans was actually calming me.  It was like their groans were just a natural part of this beautiful Florida night. As long as I was looking up and taking it in with all the normal sounds. Turning my head to look at the shadowy figures clawing at the fence trying to get in I shivered. I lay back on the bleachers and just stared straight up at the sky.  A few minutes of staring at the twinkling stars, listening to crickets chirping, and the moans outside the fence and I could feel my eyes growing heavy.

I watch as Conner stares at me.  His face was turning a deeper shade of red the more I giggled at him. "It's not funny, I'm dead serious, I don't like that dude hanging all over you like that.  Who is that guy?  Who does he think he is?" I put my hands up to his face staring into his green eyes and I smile.  I give him a quick kiss on his soft lips.  "Baby, you have nothing to worry about with Jerry, I'm not exactly his type."  Conner looked at me and scrunched up his eyebrows before it finally hit him.  I shook my head as I giggled some more.  "You really need to work on that jealousy," I kiss him one more time, "Don't you trust me?  I love you." 

"You I trust, it's all these other guys I don't trust.  I know how they think."  I nudge him as he wraps his arm around my shoulders and we walk down the street of our little town.  "You know how they think, so you think the same way.  Do I need to be more jealous with you around other women?" 

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