One Way Ticket

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Tony starts rambling on about how Reid ruined everything.  How he and Lucy could have been so happy if Reid would have just let them be.  "How's my daughter by the way?  Grace?  Is that what you named her?"  I could almost see the steam flying off the top of Reid's head, like in the cartoons.  I was struggling trying to get free while the others stood there helpless with guns pointed on them as well.  "She was never your daughter."  Reid sneered.      

All of a sudden the man that had a hold of me loosened his grip and the barrel of his gun fell away from my temple.  The look on Darrick, Reid, and Conner's faces told the story for me.  I could feel the spatter hit my back and as I turn to see Cearra standing there with the man's blood dripping off her Sai knives.  For the brief second we all stood in shock until Tony took the opportunity to slam his elbow into Darrick's stomach.  Darrick doubles over in pain huffing and trying to get his breath back.  Conner lunges at Tony in defense of his brother and so did Reid.  The fists started flying in every direction.  As I stand watching the fight and trying to keep my boys in sight I felt someone grab me and pull me outside. I fought hard to get away but I couldn't.  Before I could see who had a hold of me I was knocked out cold.

After the fight was over and Tony's goons were lying on the ground Reid looks around at Conner and Darrick.  The brothers give each other that short nod and walk over to greet each other after such a long time.  Darrick slings an arm around his little brother's shoulder.  "Good to finally see ya baby brother," he said grinning, "Definitely glad to see you ain't forgot how to kick ass like I taught ya."  Darrick snickers as he brushes Conner's arm off his shoulder.  "Where's Rachel," Reid finally asks breaking up the brother's reunion and looking around the room, "And Cearra?"  Reid looks back at Darrick and Conner who were both looking around the room for the girls as well.  "Did either of you see them? Where they went?"  They both shake their heads.  "We need to hurry up and find 'em and get the hell outta here though," Darrick said.

I wake up in a dark room all alone or so I thought.  It was the same room I was trapped in before.  I start thinking that Reid was right.  Maybe I should have stayed back at the prison.  I hear his whistling and I jump.  I'm blindfolded now.  "I see you're finally awake."  I hear him chuckle, "This feels like Déjà vu, doesn't it?"  He slowly creeps up right in front me and I feel his hot breath on my face.  He slides something across my jaw, it is cold and it sends a shiver down my back.  I flinch and hear him laugh.  He yanks the blindfold off my head and smiles down at me.  "I've got big plans for your boyfriend and his group of bandits," he said, "And you're gonna help me."  I could feel my whole body shake.

"Wh-what are you gonna do?" I stutter and he snickers.

"The only thing I'm gonna reveal is that Reid is gonna watch everyone he loves die horribly and slowly before I kill him."  He picks up more sharp metal items and tossed them back and forth between his two hands, taunting me.  He cut into my flesh with the different tools for several minutes, just messing with me, while he whistled his creepy tune.  He doesn't really care about killing me, he just wants to torture me, get into my head, anything to get Reid riled up.

"Reid's gonna kill you before you'll ever get close enough..." He shushed me and held up a finger,

"The rest of my fun's gonna have to wait."  He turns and walks to the door, "I have something else I need to go check on real quick.  Don't you go anywhere now, honey."   As he left I thought I heard something hit the ground.  I ignored that and I look in the corner of the room to see Cearra's knives lying on a table.  I start to fight against my bonds trying get free only to realize that I was handcuffed to the chair again.  I sigh and lean back in the chair, I'm stuck.  I am beginning to believe that we are all going to die at the hands of this madman.  The depths of his evil is far worse than any of us were prepared to deal with.  I close my eyes and picture Reid standing in the doorway of my cell smiling at me.  The mere thought of that sweet, sweet man caused a smile to appear on my face.  Then I see Conner's face, the way he always used to look at me. Still with that grin on my face I opened my eyes to the cold, blackness of my dungeon.  I drop my head and catch a glimpse of what had hit the floor earlier.  It was a pair of pliers.  My hope was restored a little as I kicked off my boots and started reaching for the pliers with my feet.  It seemed like ages but I finally managed to get the pliers to my hand and free myself from the cuffs.  I stood up as quickly as I could but still way to slow for my liking.  He must have really put a beat down on me while I was out.  I don't remember him hitting me but my ribs were so sore.  I was in a lot of pain but I stumble to the table and grab the knives.  I was going to finish this.  I was going to kill him before he could kill any more of us.

I left my boots and ran to the door with the pliers still in one hand and Cearra's knives in the other. The door was locked from the outside but there was a small gap I could fit the tip of the one of the knives through and work the slide lock open.  It took forever for me to do it but the lock finally slid open and I crept out of the dungeon barefoot.  My only mission was to find Tony and kill him.  I turn one last corner and see him standing in front of what looked like a mirror.  He was smiling like the conceited prick he was.  I roll my eyes and shake my head.  God he thinks so highly of himself.  I sneak up behind him quickly and carefully so as not to show myself in the reflection of the mirror and thrust the knife forward piercing him.  His blood pooled at my feet and I sigh as I smile, but it's not over yet.  He reaches out grabbing my ankle and pulling me down off my feet.  He has a hold of my left ankle and I am kicking him in the face with my right foot.  His grip finally loosens on my ankle and a feeling of joy washes over me.  He's dead.  I catch sight of some movement and look up.  He wasn't smiling at himself in a mirror at all.  He was looking through a one way glass window.  My jaw dropped in surprise when I realized what he was watching and I couldn't believe my own eyes.  This now dead man at my feet was truly warped.

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