A New Day

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Lying here wrapped in Reid's arms again as he softly caresses my bare body I can't help but believe that everything is going to be okay. A smile lights up my face as he kisses my forehead. "I've missed you so much, Rachel." He whispers as his lips move to mine. He pulls back and looks deeply into my eyes as I smile up at him. "I've missed you too, Chief." I press my lips to his again as his hand explores my curves and the moment heated to the boiling point again. The night explodes in passion again as we were lost in each other.

         I blink my eyes open and rubbed them sleepily. "Good Morning," Reid said hovering over me with a huge grin plastered on his face. "Well good morning to you too, handsome." He kisses me as he fell beside me on the bed, "I want to stay here like this all day." I whisper laying my head on his chest and feeling his strong arms wrap around me. "I think we may be able to work that out," Reid replies, "I think between the Dillon brothers and Charlie they can handle thangs today." I pop my head up and look into those baby blues and plant a long, sweet kiss on his soft lips. He rolls me back smiling as he pulls the blanket back over our heads.

        Charlie walks out of his room and into the kitchen rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. The Dillon clan was already sitting around the table eating as he pulls out a chair. "Hey guys," he mutters sitting down, "My dad been down yet?"

"Nope," Darrick says as he continues to eat without looking up, "They got a lot to make up for. I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see 'em all day." Darrick and Conner begin laughing.

"I was just wandering how his surprise went," Charlie says as he starts digging in to the breakfast Cathy had fixed.

"Seein' as how they are still locked up in that room I'd say it went pretty good," Conner snickers with Darrick and Cathy joining in. "I didn't need that image planted in my brain, I don't think I can eat now. Thanks a lot Conner." They all start laughing at him as he makes gagging noises. Darrick stands up from his chair, "You wanna see somethin' funny?" He asks smiling at Charlie who is still making that gag face and nodding his head. Darrick nods to Charlie to follow him. Conner, Cathy, and Riley follow too.

         Reid and Rachel nearly fall out of the bed when someone starts banging on the door. Reid was sitting up looking for his shorts when he grumpily replies to the knocking, "What do you want?"

"You comin'?" Darrick yells through the door followed by a lot of snickering. "Shut up Darrick!" Rachel yells back, "And go away!" More laughing from the other side of the door and footsteps trailing off. Rachel rolls her eyes and falls backward onto the bed. She let out a loud grunt as Reid leans over kissing her again, "I was sleeping really good too. I haven't slept that good since before we had our little spat. But, now that we're awake," he pauses smiling at her. Before he could finish or she could answer someone starts pounding on the door again causing them both to jump, again. "Shit! Really Darrick!" Reid yells.

"Just seein' if y'all were awake yet," Conner yells back and more snickering from the hall, "We got work to do!"

"Damn it Conner" Rachel yells at him this time, "We're busy in here. Do it yourself!" They weren't just snickering but full on laughing now. "I'd rather have you do it for me if the Sheriff would stop bein' greedy." Conner yells through the door as the others laugh and their footsteps trail off again. Rachel snuggles back into Reid's side as they lay there enjoying the closeness of each other and someone comes rapping again, and more laughing. "Dad!" Charlie yells this time, "Are you up yet?"

"You know we are Charlie," Reid yells back to his son, "Between you and the brothers who could sleep!" Reid turns to Rachel, "So much for just laying here enjoying you today, we're apparently not getting any peace and quiet. We might as well get up." He was up and dressed in no time and waiting by the door. He was holding one of the socks he was wearing yesterday and smiling devilishly. That incessant rapping at the door came again and before it stopped Reid yanks open the door and rubs the sock in Conner's face. He stands back laughing as Conner spit and sputtered. "Aww, not funny Sheriff." Rachel and Reid were joined in their laughter by Darrick, Cathy, Riley, and Charlie. Rachel walks up to Conner and slaps him on the back and then gave him a hug, "Actually it was really funny Conner." Conner grabs her and lifts her off the ground spinning her. "I wouldn't have minded if it was a pair of your panties. I'm just glad you are laughing again, sugartits." Conner kisses her on the cheek.

         We all walk outside together where Jenny is playing with Grace. As soon as she saw Rachel she squeals, "Rachel!" Reid had his arm draped over her shoulder as he watches his daughter run over excitedly. She jumps at Rachel who grabs her and swings the little girl around on her hip. Grace lays her head in the crook of Rachel's neck and whispers, "Rachel did you and daddy make up?" I shake my head and whisper back, "Yeah, baby we did."

"So she's just Rachel now?" Reid asks as Grace looks up at him. "Well, bubba said," before she could finish Charlie steps up and interrupts her. "Gracie, I was being a jerk when I said that. I was wrong. Don't listen to any of that." Charlie was looking deep into Rachel's eyes as he spoke to his sister; his eyes booming his apology and pleading for her forgiveness and her own eyes granting that forgiveness. Grace smiles and wraps her tiny arms tighter around Rachel's neck, "I love you mommy." Rachel squeezes her back trying to hold back the tears she felt slipping. "I love you too."

"And I love both of you," Reid joins in wrapping his arms around his girls. Charlie follows suit and joins the family hug, "And I love all of you." The Davis family stood there in their embrace not noticing the rest of the group had gathered around. Conner then wraps his big, burly arms around the entire Davis family, "Awww, how touching. I love y'all too." Everyone laughs and now they were all in the group hug with Reid and Rachel squeezed in the middle.

        That afternoon Rachel wanders over to Liam's grave and drops to her knees. Reid watches her as she walks over and falls to the ground and he follows her. As he nears he places his hand lightly on her shoulder. She looks up and flashes a forced smile through tear-filled eyes. Reid sits down beside her and wraps a strong arm around her shoulders and she leans over placing her head on his shoulder. No words needed to be exchanged between them. Their understanding of each other's sadness and their love for their lost baby boy spoke for itself. They sat there, Rachel in his arms, for the rest of the day. As darkness started to fall like a blanket over their sleepy new home Reid stands up pulling his girl with him, and they walk back inside and up to their room.

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