Safety in Reid's Arms

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I sit there just letting Reid hold me. The only place I wanted to be right now was wrapped in my chief's arms. This was the safest place I could ever hope to be in. I shudder at the thought of what that man did, Reid got there before he could get far enough in to it to enjoy himself but too late for me. I still have the man's stench on me and I'll never be able to get rid of this disgusting feeling. Darrick walks in and clears his throat, "Alright you two we've gotta get outta here. The dead are starting to show up now." I start trembling as Reid stands me up and passes me to Darrick. I turn to look at him with pleading eyes and he nods, "I'll be right out." Darrick gets me out to the men's van and I hear a shot. My head spins as I look back to that room. Reid comes out tucking his pistol back in his belt and walks up to me wrapping his arm back around me and taking out of Darrick's arms but he doesn't say a word.

         We all stood against the back wall of this old motel as Reid, Darrick and Conner clear out the half dozen dead people that showed up looking for their next meal. The men were standing outside suburban as Reid whistles for us to come out. Reid and Darrick hold the doors open as we all slide into this monster vehicle. I smile at Reid before he helps me into the truck with Grace. Reid then slides into the driver's seat and puts his right arm around me and kisses my forehead while the Dillon brothers were settling into the back seat. Again I feel wrapped in complete safety, like everything would be alright as long as his arms were around me. Charlie sits beside me staring at the two of us. He has a huge grin on his face as he watches us. I ruffle his thick, dark brown hair and gave him a slight shove. "What're you smilin' at?" Charlie just wraps his arms around me. "I'm just glad you're still here with us." I hug him back as Reid leans over to embrace all three of us. "Alright, Davis family, let's get on the road and quit with all this mushy stuff." Conner blurts out from the back seat. Reid laughs and fires that suburban up. I look back at them and they were all smiling. "Alright Dillon family, we're rollin'."

        We're stuck out on the road and looking for a new home, again. I look down at Grace and her eyes are drooping. I put my hand on her tiny little head and gently push it into my chest. Before long she was snoring away. "Geez, she sounds like her daddy." I laugh nudging Reid with my elbow. He laugh and squeezes my shoulder. Charlie falls over onto my lap and starts snoring too. Reid looks down at im and then back at me and shrug and laughing harder. "I guess it's in the genes," I laugh up at him before I snuggle into his side, careful not to wake the two sleeping kids. I rest my head on his shoulder soon fall asleep myself.

{Reid's POV} I drove as far as I could on what little gas was in this tank. It starting sputtering and finally rolled to a stop. "Guess this is the end of the line," Conner says as he swings open the door. I look back at him and Darrick who had his arm around Cathy with Jenny sleeping in her lap. "Yeah, that's the last of the gas. We either need to find somewhere to hold up or find some more gas and supplies to continue our trip." I nod to Darrick and we step out meeting Conner in front of the suburban.

Conner had spread out the map over the hood and was studying it. "Anything look promising boss?" I ask as I walk up beside him. He shakes his head. I look through the glass at my family in the front seat asleep. "There ain't much around here," he says with a sigh, "Couple little farm houses maybe. We might be able to hold up in one of 'em until we can gather up some supplies." {end Reid's POV}

        I wake up to see the three men in front of the truck talking seriously. I glance down at Charlie, who was now drooling all over my lap and Grace still sound asleep and then I look in the back seat to see Cathy with Jenny sound asleep on her lap as well. "What's going on Cathy?"

"I just woke up myself," she shrugs, "The conversation out there looks pretty dire though." I slide out from under Charlie and softly lay Grace down on the seat beside him as Cathy did the same. We step up beside the men to see what was going on. Reid and Darrick wrap an arm around us as they stare at the map we were looking at. "Wait," I say looking over to Cathy and Darrick, "I thought you and Conner?" I whisper in her ear looking at Conner on the other side of his brother still studying the map.

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