Drama Queen

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I was so confused, "I am awake, Reid." The sweet sound of his voice was always so soothing to me but now, right now, it was the last thing that I want to hear. I open my eyes and to my surprise it was not Reid who I was face to face with but a rotting corpse and he was inches from taking a chunk out of my face. He had drool and blood hanging from his half rotted lips and he was snarling at me hungrily. I panic putting my hands up and pushing him back. I scramble to get onto my feet as I reach for my knife only to realize that I had left it back at the house. I didn't think I would need it just walking around the streets of Boone and of course they had all our guns locked up. "Great," I huff, "Looks like I'm screwed and you've got an easy meal." The dead guy growls and scrambles toward me again. I smile and lean back against the tree and raise my foot, planting it in the corpses chest and kicking it back again. My foot sinks into its chest with a loud squishing sound and as it stumbles back one more time I lunge for it knocking it to the ground. I raise my foot and bring it down on the thing's head spraying brain matter all over the ground in a bloody spray. "Yeah, not quite asshole, you ain't takin' me down that easy." I spit as I catch my breath. I stand over the true corpse staring at him before hearing more rustling leaves all around me. "Shit," I mumble looking around frantically for anything I could use as a weapon. I stoop down and pick up the its arm. I cringe a little as I snap it in two and begin pulling the broken bone out of its skin. "Oh, this is so gross," I speak out loud to myself but I hold the bone up in front of me noticing the sharp point at the break, "But this should work." I spin around swinging the bone around ready to puncture another rotter's brain when a big hand stops me. "Whoa, sweet cheeks!"

"Conner," I say in a sigh of relief, "What are you doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, honeybuns." Conner grins at me as more footsteps approach from behind me. "He's helping us find you," I roll my eyes, still looking at Conner because that voice still irked me. The sound of Reid's voice actually made me cringe a little right now and I made no movement to turn and face him. "You shouldn't be out here alone."

"Maybe I don't care what you think. Maybe I wanted to be alone, maybe I didn't want you to find me." My eyes narrow as I turn to Reid. He looks unsure of what to say now as he looks around at Conner and as he sucks air as drop his head to stare at the ground. I hear Conner snickering behind me now, "Ooh, you're in the doghouse for sure, Sheriff, you better have something good up your sleeve to make up for this."

"Shut up Conner," Reid says as he grinds his teeth. The muscles in his face twitch as he stares at me. "Well, uh, since you found your girl I guess I'm gonna head back. Give you guys some time alone to talk." Conner says as he slowly backs away to leave. I watch as he disappears into the tree line heading back to town. I was alone out here with Reid now and I had so many things I wanted to scream at him. "Rachel, I know what I did was stupid. I don't even really know why I did it but it didn't mean anything. It was just a peck on the cheek. Why are you acting like this?"

"You can't be that stupid Reid." I say as we now stand inches apart from each other, "The way she acts around you, I don't think it was an innocent peck on the cheek to her." Reid moves even closer placing his hand on my hip. I shove him. "It wasn't an innocent peck on the cheek to me either. There is absolutely no reason at all for kissing her, in any way." I pause staring at him through my still narrowed eyes and my anger grows even more. "You don't just go around kissing random women for no reason Reid." He smiles at me now which causes me to flinch. "What the hell do you find so funny?"

"You look so damn cute when you're angry and you call me by my name instead of Chief," He pulls me back into him and went for a kiss but I slap him instead. "You think this is over. You can just smile, say something cute and I'm gonna forget? You're gonna act like you didn't do anything wrong?" His smile fades as he runs his hand over his face in frustration. "No way, it's not gonna be that easy for you Reid Davis." I step up and shove him again before turning and walking away from him, in the opposite direction of town. With his long strides he was beside me again in seconds and he grabs me by the arm. "You're not staying out here alone. We'll work on this when we get back." I look away from his piercing blue eyes, as they plead with me, and stare off into the distance ahead of me. There were a pack of corpses up there that I knew I couldn't fight with just that one little bone that I had picked off the last one and definitely not by myself. I drop my head trying not to let the tears flow and I let him lead me back to Boone.

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