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I lay there next to Reid as his hand moves softly up and down my bare body.  We were finally alone and it was amazing.  Reid leans over and places a soft kiss on my lips.  "What are you thinking about? You're a million miles away right now."  I smile up at him.

"No I'm right here.  I was just enjoying the quiet, enjoying being able lay here next you."

He kisses me again, this time deeper and more passionate.  He presses his body against mine and I could feel his erection growing stronger as the kiss got more intense.  Just then screams rang out from outside.  We both jump up throwing on whatever clothes we could reach and ran out to see what was happening.  Reid had his jeans on and threw his shirt over his shoulders but didn't bother taking the time to button it.  My loins were vibrating with the sight of his bare chest in the moonlight.  It quickly dropped when I heard Maggie screaming, "Reid! Reid!"  He runs down to help her with me hot on his heels.  The zombies had piled up on that fence and it was giving way.  There was no keeping it up.  Reid runs over to where we were keeping the guns and starts passing them out.  We start shooting them s as they topple the fence and head toward their supper.  "Reid, there's too many of them."  He nods at me. "We have to leave."  He grabs Martha and we run back up to the prison to grab the rest of our people and stuff before we all jump in the vehicles and left our home.

I was holding Grace in the middle of the truck with Reid driving and Charlie on the other side of me. Reid puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him.  He kisses me on the head and then looks over at Charlie.  "We'll be alright.  We'll find a new place, somewhere."  I nod and put my arm around Charlie as he leans on me and falls asleep.  Reid leans up to make sure he was out before speaking to me. "Sorry, our alone time got cut short.  Maybe we'll get a chance to continue that part soon."  I smile and lay my head on his shoulder and it wasn't long before I was asleep as well.

When I woke up the truck was stopped and Reid was outside talking to Darrick.  Charlie was drooling on my arm.  "Wake up kid," I whisper to him but he didn't move.  I shrug my shoulder knocking him off of me.

"What?" He said grumpily.

"You're drooling all over me kid.  Get up.  I'm going to go see what's going on."  I point out to his dad and Darrick and hand Grace off to him.

I walk up to Reid and slip an arm around him while Darrick smiles at us.  "What's going on?"

"We are running low on gas.  We need to find somewhere to hold up until we can gather more supplies."  I nod as we all stare at the map.  We saw that there was a subdivision close by and decided to give that a try.  When we pull up we discover that it was a gated community and the gates seemed to be intact.  "Stay here. Darrick, Chi, Martha.  Y'all come with me and we'll make sure it's clear."  I look at him.  "I know you want to go too, but I need you to stay back with Charlie and Grace."

"If Martha can go and help why can't I?"  I snarl at him.

"I just want you to be safe."  I pull him to the side before scolding him.

"So your little woman needs to be safe but Chi's woman can go with the men folk right into potential danger?  That's a tad bit hypocritical of ya there, Chief.  Don't you think?"  I walk over and hand Grace to Cathy and Jenny.  "Will you two watch her while we go check this place out?"  They both smile at me while Cathy answers.  "Of course we will."  Everyone turns to look at Reid.  "Alright," I said, "Let's get in there and get this done before it gets dark."  Conner steps up too.  "I'm with ya, sweetness.  Let's go." The six of us went through each house to make sure they were clear before getting the others in.  We pull the vehicles around and parked them in front of the gates while the others picked out which houses they were staying in.  Reid, me, Charlie and Grace of course were staying in the first house.   Conner, Darrick, Riley, Cathy and Jenny were staying together next door to us and Doc, Martha, and Chi next to them.  The rest of the group separated and filled up the remaining houses.  "This could be even better than the prison," I said as Reid walks me to our house.  He smiles down at me and stop in front of the door.  "What?"  I asked him as Charlie turns around to look at us.

"Well we're not married but since we are picking out a house together we may as well be," he said smiling at me, "Will you be my Mrs. Davis?"  I felt a blush growing on my cheeks.

"Alright!" Charlie yells, "You are saying yes, right?  You better say yes."   My face grows even hotter as I could feel the stares from Darrick, Cathy, Doc, Martha and Chi.

"Yay! Now I'll have another wife to hang out with!  We can start ourselves the First Wives' Club in the middle of the apocalypse, and we can work on Conner finally popping the question to Cathy too."  Martha squeals.  I laugh and now Conner is blushing as Reid bends down a little cupping my chin in his hand and turning me to look at him.

"Well," he asked.  I just put my head down and nod.  Martha squeals again and Chi shushes her pointing outside where a couple of zombies have already started gathering.

"I got 'em," Darrick says taking aim with his bow and taking them out.  "I'll get the arrows in the morning.  Let's all get inside.  We may even be able to get some real sleep for once since this all went down."  Conner puts his arms around Cathy and Riley as they all walk into their new house.  Jenny follows them a few feet behind with her head down.  I watch wondering what's wrong.

I start to walk into our home when Reid stops me again.  "What now Chief?"  He smiles at me again as he takes Grace from me and hands her to Charlie.  He walks over to me and sweeps me off my feet and into his arms.  "I need to carry you over the threshold Mrs. Davis.  It's bad luck if I don't."  I laugh as he walks in the door with me and sets me down just inside.  He presses his lips to mine as Charlie darts around us and upstairs.  "I found my room!"  He yells back down at us.  Reid shuts the front door as we head up the stairs too.  We fix a makeshift crib for Grace in the room next to us and then flop down on our new bed.  We lay there cuddling until Grace and Charlie was asleep then Reid rolls over looking into my eyes.  "Here's our 'To be continued' opportunity."  I smile as he starts placing soft kisses on my neck. I smile at the soft feel of his lips on my skin as I think to myself, 'Finally some privacy and a safe place to call home. Could it be real?'

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