Chapter 3

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"What are you doing, Young Spider?"

"Looking out for the city as always. It's eerily quiet."

The grown man chuckled. "You never catch a break, do you?"

This was Peter's favorite moments; spending time with his Uncle Loki. The God of Mischief has always accompanied his nephew whenever he can. Loki enjoys these moments just as much as Peter does surprisingly. Loki doesn't seem like the one to have a penchant for accompanying others given his demeanor and nature, but for Peter, he'll make an exception.

Loki noticed, even through Peter's mask, that the boy was tired. But it wasn't just from being on look out, which Peter constantly does. Loki will never admit it, but he dislikes that Peter never takes a break and how it frustrates the boy himself. He can read Peter like an open book. That and Peter tells him everything.

"Stark and Rogers are bothering you?"

Peter shook his head and said, "Just the things they say about Spiderman." He loved how Loki can tell he's feeling down, even with the mask.

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Besides, they don't know they're opinionating their son," Loki pointed out. He looked straight ahead, his eyes roaming around the city lights. "After looking at this city for so long, I get why you Earthlings enjoy it. It's...soothing."

Peter smirked. Loki was talking about all the times the two meet on the Freedom Tower, staring into the city.

"You saved over a hundred last week," Loki stated, smiling inwardly.


"The Dream Team still aren't impressed?"

Peter shook his head and sighed.

"They're a bunch of mules, Young Spider. You don't have to impress them."

"I know, but you know what bothers me the most?" Peter asked and Loki turned to him. "That Spiderman shouldn't get the recognition he deserves just because he's a kid. Kids can be heroes, too, right?"

Loki replied, "Age shouldn't matter. What matters are your actions."

Peter took off his mask and rubbed his temples in stress. He relaxed when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You're not a kid, Peter."

"Well, legally I'm not an adult. I'm 17."

"Nevermind the law because you are a man, you're grown. You became a man when you saved that first life. When you became Spiderman. Don't let others get to you, Young Spider."

Peter grinned. "Since when did you become insightful?"

"Ever since you saved me," he replied with sincerity.

The brunette smiled brightly and pulled the god into a hug. Loki chuckled and patted his back softly.

"I have to go now, Spider," Loki said.

"Still can't tell me where?" Peter questioned jokingly.

"We all have our secrets, remember? See you later." Everyone hates goodbyes.

After Loki had left, Peter put his mask back on and jumped from the building. He swung from building to building and spotted no unusual activity. Well, that was until...


"What the-? Deadpool!? Get off!"

"I came in like a wreeecking baaaallll!" Deadpool sang horribly as he clung onto Spiderman's back. "Sing it, Petey!"

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