Chapter 21

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Peter was staring at the floor, waiting for the silence to break. The silence was scary and he hated the way it made him feel. He needed the yelling to get over with.

Wade took the risk and sat next to him, but he didn't touch him. He just hoped that this was enough to soothe his boyfriend's fearful thoughts. 

Clint was trying to distract himself by sharpening his arrow while Thor just stared at his reflection on his Mjolnir. Bruce was trying to figure out how Peter gained spider abilities and when was the right time to bring up the matter. 

Natasha just stared at anywhere with her arms crossed. She was too angry to voice her thoughts at the moment. 

It took everything Steve had to hold back what he needed to say. He eyed his son's costume - which was bloodied - and the marks left on his face. He kept replaying what Taskmaster had done to him and felt the anger in his veins. To think his son had to endure this pain for the longest.

How was he feeling? Mad, of course. Upset, sad, betrayed, confused, you name it. But, honestly, a tiny bit of pride. His son has been a hero for so long. 

Steve realized it now. Then he remembered the terrible things they said about him. To him! Steve dropped his head, ashamed of himself for not knowing. He should have known. He's his father after all. But is he willing to accept this Peter?

Tony's expression was the worst. 

He was somehow looking expressionless and glaring. Tony just stared at his son in anger and disbelief. And of course he had to be the one to break the silence. 

"So this is what you are?" 

Peter gulped at his father's cold voice. 

"You're not even going to look me in the eye?" Tony nodded and scoffed. "Of course, you've been good at it, haven't you?" He almost laughed out of pure anger. "Was this at all fun for you?"

"Stark," Natasha hissed quietly, her expression not changing.

"Tony," Steve whispered, hoping that he wouldn't take this any further. 

Peter chewed on his bottom lip nervously. He knew what was coming.

Wade glared at Tony, not liking how he was approaching this situation. Yes, Peter has lied to them, but if only they could see that he had his reasons. The mercenary thought if he should make a few jokes. Should he? Nope. But will he? Um...

"You can cut the tension with a knife, am I right?" Wade laughed, elbowing Clint slightly. 

"Don't. You. Fucking. Start. Wilson," Clint growled.

Natasha added threateningly, "Deadpool, this is not the time."

Wade threw his arms up defensively, "Geez Louise, I'm just stating the obvious."

Tony ignored the mercenary. His attention was still on Peter. 

"So was this fun?" Tony asked again. "Lying to your family and putting your life at risk for years? Did you enjoy it? Well, I hope you did because you can kiss that shit goodbye."

Peter scoffed. "Oh really?"

Everyone hear him and they looked at him in disbelief. 

Tony's eyes widened. It was as if he didn't know the boy in front of him. 

"Did I stutter?"

"I'm very sorry - "

"Oh, you hear that, Steve? He's sorry! Well, that calms me. That makes me feel a lot better."

"Dad - "

"You're never being Spiderman again, do you hear me?"

And there it is. Peter felt his fists shake, fighting so hard to control the anger and sadness building up. He knew his father would say this. But he wasn't going to back down so easily. He refuses to give up being Spiderman.  

They landed at S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ  and each of them entered at their own pace. 

Nick Fury cleared his throat, "Well, I know this isn't the best time, but as I said before that we needed Spiderman for an interrogation."

Just as Steve was about to respond, Tony cut him off, "Actually, now is the perfect time! Because we all have our share of questions, don't we?" He began to walk to the interrogation room. "Well, let's go people, let's go Spiderman."

Wade growled, "His name is Peter."

Everyone stopped to turn to them.

Peter looked up at Wade in surprised, "Wade..."

Tony took the time to eye the both of them. That's when he remembered something important. Another issue that piled on to his anger. The billionaire had to hold back another laugh as he shook his head, not believing what was going through his head. 

Natasha decided to speak first, "Wilson, don't be here for this." She went to get her nephew but Wade stepped in front of him, stopping her movements. Wade's glare meet her widened eyes.

"Oh that's right!" Tony clapped. "How could I forget about our son and the mercenary! To think that I thought this was another practical joke but oh no! Nope, this is really happening."

Steve went next to his husband, knowing how he gets when he's mad. "Tony, calm down - "

"No!" Tony yelled furiously. "Calm down, Steve? You're just as upset about this as I am! Our son has been going behind our backs playing hero and dating the worst, most disgusting human being on the planet!"

Wade placed a hand over his heart, "Bitch..."

"Leave him alone, Dad," Peter said, still behind Wade. "He has nothing to do with this."

Tony gripped his hair, not knowing what to do or say. He was so conflicted that he couldn't think straight. 

"Let's go," Nick said. 

They all entered the interrogation room. Actually, Nick let the family ask Peter questions first. Once they let out what they needed to, he would question Spiderman himself. Because obviously, Tony was going to question him first. 

Once Peter sat down, Wade took it upon himself to sit next to him. Everyone watched Wade carefully, not believing he's being so bold (and stupid). Wade took a chair and sat next to his boyfriend, legs on the table and hands behind his head. 

"What?" Wade asked. "I figured Stark would want to ask me some questions as well."

Tony said darkly, "Oh yes I do."

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