Chapter 6

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"Fury wants us to what?" Tony asked, thinking he had gone deaf.

Natasha explained simply, "He wants us to bring in Spiderman for a sit-down."

Tony sucked his teeth and went to pour himself another drink. "The rampaging mutant as he once put it? I think I'll sit this one out. Besides, not my worry, not my problem."

"Well he should be your worry and your problem," Natasha replied. "And ours, too. If this kid acts the way he did with Fury, imagine what he'll do to us. It's pretty obvious he wants nothing to do with S.H.I.E.L.D. And if you're against S.H.I.E.L.D., you're against us. And if you're against us, then you're a threat." She narrowed her eyes. "And we all know what will happen when threats roam off doing God knows what."

"Little Red has a point," Clint said, ignoring Natasha's glare. "As far as we know or see it, he's on our enemy list."

Bruce shrugged. "I don't know. He's just a kid. You really think he'll do any damage to the Avengers let alone a powerful organization?"

"You never know," Clint replied. "But we can't play it safe."

Steve said aloud, "Well, I think we're capable of bringing in the kid. How bad can it be?"

"He took down a helicopter and broke free of the cuffs that were built to be unbreakable," his husband pointed out.

"Not to worry, Stark," Thor belted out, "the Man of Spider will not escape the grasp of some of Earth's strongest guardians."

Bruce gulped, "Um, does this mean...?"

Tony smirked, "Yes, that means Big Green has to come, too."

Bruce groaned but was immediately soothed by his redheaded girlfriend's kiss on the cheek. But of course, being the overly shy scientist he is, turned red by this gesture. He grumbled lowly when the others began to tease him. 

"Wade, get out right now!" Peter yelled.

"Oh. Em. Gee. I was right. You're totally cute!" Wade cooed, poking at Peter's cheeks. "How dare you hide that pretty face?"

"Why? Why do you do the things you do?" The teen whined as he fell to his bed. "Why do you keep following me?" He suddenly gasped and sat upright. "Oh my God, you're in my house. Stark Tower. Where the Avengers live!"

"Came a shock to me too when I found out you live here," Wade pointed out.

"They could kick your ass if they found out the infamous mercenary is in my room."

"Ha! That'd be a pretty funny fight, Baby Boy." He sat on top of the unmasked hero. "Why do you live here? None of the Avengers told me anything about a kid living here. Unless." he let out a dramatic gasp, "It all makes sense now!"

Peter gulped.

"You're an intern! That's so cool that they gave you a home. You're probably an orphan. Like me. Wow, depressed memories. Although, Wolverine is like a father figure. Even though he can't stand me. LOL, I piss him off."

"Just shut up!" The brunette groaned. "And no, I'm not an intern. I'm Tony and Steve's son." He mentally facepalmed. Why did he tell him that!?

"Come again?" Deadpool faked cleaned out his ears.

"I'll speak in your language: Iron Man and Captain America got married, had sex and out came a kid. That kid is me. Clear enough?"

The mercenary's eye widened. "Whoa. Wait, like no adoption?"


"Wait, so, one of them gave birth to you?" He leaned in curiously. "Who's the mom?"


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