Chapter 19

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The young hero wasn't prepared for Taskmaster's next move. In a blink of an eye, he was in front of him and clenched a hand around his neck and lifted him from the air. 

As Peter fought to escape, he was wondering why his spider sense didn't work. Or maybe he was too focused on his father in pain. A pain he wished he'd suffer through instead of him. Because in all honesty, he has learned to deal with pain. 

The situation of it all was pitiful. 

No one should go through agony and say "I'm used to it." But Peter had thought himself to do so because he knows that ever since he became a hero, this is something he would have to put up with. 

But this was more than pain right now. The unbelievable urge to put Taskmaster through a pain worse than he was going through was eating him up. This hunger might be considered an evil.

Peter refuses to cross that line. 

But the symbiote thinks otherwise.

"Still fighting it, I see?" The villain scoffed. "Guess we'll have to fix that." He punched Spiderman in the stomach with his metallic arm, with small spikes on the knuckles. 

Peter choked on his breath as he felt the spikes go through his skin.

Wade watched as his boyfriend was being used as a punching bag.

He couldn't bare the sight. He always knew that Peter got hurt when fighting villains, but actually watching him get hurt, and not helping him...this was way worse.

He tried to escape from the ropes but they were too strong. The ropes were controlled by Taskmaster and chances are, he's not letting them go until he gets what he wants.

"Let go of him!" Deadpool shouted. "Let go of him or I'll kill you!"

Taskmaster laugh as he heard Deadpool's threats and Spiderman's blood drip from his stomach. Then he delivered a punch to Spiderman's face with the same spiked-glove, causing him to fly dozens of feet away with blood trailing down his forehead. 

"Spiderman!" Captain America shouted. "We'll get out of this, just leave!" He couldn't stand watching this kid get beaten and all he could do is watch. But he wasn't to stop trying from freeing himself from the ropes.

Hulk roared and used every bit of strength he could muster up and finally broke the ropes. 

Deadpool ran to Spiderman and checked to see if he was all right. He knelt down to see Peter's wounds and glared when he saw blood pouring through.

"Babe, I'm gonna take you home, all right? We got this."

Peter's eyes snapped opened and he helped himself up. 

He pointed an accusing finger and stuttered out, "You don't think I can do it, right? You're just like the rest of them; you're against me."

Wade replied, "You know that's not why I'm saying that."

"You could be lying," he chuckled. "I don't know you that well."

Wade felt his heart hurt. No, this wasn't Peter. Something was wrong, he's not thinking clearly. Even his voice was lower - and darker - than usual. He asked carefully, "Peter, are you all right? You're not sounding like yourself."

"He needs to die, Wade," Peter said, making Wade flinched.

"Die? You mean you want to un-alive him? My Peter wouldn't - "

"Your Peter is dead."

Wade had enough. So he grabbed his boyfriend by the shoulders and shook him harshly, hoping to snap sense into him. "I wan't my Peter back! Where is he?!" He yelled. Yes, he was being dramatic, but the man he is listening to is not his Peter. Peter never aimed to kill. And his Peter is definitely not dead.

Peter finally snapped out of his thoughts. "Wha - Wade! Let go! Headache!"

Wade smiled and hugged him tightly, "Look, I don't know if you're trying to scare me but you can't talk to me like that. My Peter isn't dead, all right?"

"What? I never said that?" The two stood silent. 

Until, the Avengers fell to the ground, electricity taking over their bodies.

Then Wade fell down as well.

"No!" Peter shouted. "Taskmaster, leave them alone! I'm the one you're after! They have nothing to do with this!"

Taskmaster smiled. "You just need to do as I say, Spiderman."

Peter gulped. 

He has to save his family. 

"What do you want?"

Wade gritted out, "N-no...don't listen to him..." as he tried to fight off the electric shocks. 

"Taskmaster, just leave them alone."

"Oh, are you close with the Avengers, Spiderman? You seem to care a lot. Hmm, I wonder why that would be. Are you part of them?" he laughed tauntingly.

Peter clenched his fists. 

This was it. This was the day he dreaded. He could sense it happening before his eyes. 

Tony replied through the shockings, "He's not part of us." 

"So he's not an Avenger? Hmm, then what could it be, Spiderman?" 

Peter lunged at him but he was too slow. Taskmaster punched him again, adding more to the injury to his head. Peter got up, already weak. 

Pathetic. Purely Pathetic, Peter. Why won't you LISTEN TO ME!? I CAN MAKE YOU STRONG! 

"St-stop," Peter demanded. "Taskmaster, leave them alone. It's me you want, right? Take me instead."

The Avengers and Deadpool turned to him, not believing what he had said. Was this kid sacrificing his life for them? The Avengers watched the scene with a sense of guilt and anger. Angry that they didn't fight hard enough, and guilty because well, they were wrong about Spiderman.

Deadpool wanted to cry.

He can't lose his Peter. Not to Taskmaster.

"Stop it!" Wade shouted at his boyfriend. "Just get out of here!"

Peter ignored him and said to the villain, "You wanted me. Fine."

"Hmm...not good enough. Kitten, now!"

Felicia pouted and said to herself, "I'm sorry Petey-pie. I really am." Faster than anyone could comprehend, Black Cat dashed across the street and grabbed Peter by his mask and left before he could stop her. 

Peter's face revealed.   

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