Chapter 9

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They still couldn't find him. This was really frustrating. But what did they expect? It's never easy.

However, catching Spiderman is the least of their worries. If only they'd knew that trouble was brewing.

Meanwhile in an underground warehouse, a masked man placed a stran of hair in a glass tube, admiring it so.

"I knew I could trust you. Here's your reward," he handed a suitcase over to Black Cat.

"Yay! But just out of curiosity, what's the big deal of a little hair? I don't see how you'll get what you want from just a little stran hair. It's just Villain 101."

He chuckled darkly. "Don't underestimate my abilities. You can't rush these things."

Black Cat rolled her eyes and turned away.

"Wait." His voice stopped her. "How would you like to double the reward?"

Black Cat smiled brightly. Not out of evil, but pure greed. "I'm listening, Taskmaster."

Gwen was getting worried. Peter hasn't picked up his phone. How was he going to tell her how the date went?

Maybe Wade did something to him. The bastard.

"Dammit, Peter," Gwen muttered.
Little did she know her best friend was passed out in his room. A little pool on blood dripping from his mouth.

After a good half hour, he woke up gasping for air but the blood made it difficult.

His vision was blurry and red. He tried to get up but kept falling. The only thing he could do was wait this out.

After a few more minutes of pain Peter could finally breathe normally again and could get up.

"Crap, it's getting worse." Peter groaned and he checked the percentage on his wrist watch.

Loki was right. He's getting really sick now and it was going to kill him. But he can't find a cure yet.

Tony lived through this because he made a new element for his arc reactor. Peter's life isn't dependent on an arc reactor. And finding a cure that'll actually make him healthy again is rare. But Peter needed to think of something quick. He really wished he could ask someone for help but no one can know of this. Not his parents, not his boyfriend.

He'll find a way. He just has to.

And just when he thought he was unlucky enough, screams filled the city.

Peter ran to his window and saw people running down the streets. He turned to see weird mutant monsters detroying the city.

Peter smiled. Not in a bad way, but because he loves springing into action. It'll help get his mind of things. Luckily from here, he could see that no one was hurt or dead.

Peter put on his mask and jumped out his window.

He got closed to a blue monster that only had legs, teeth, and a very gross tongue.

Peter shivered, "Ugh, God you're all ugly."

The blue monster screamed in his face.

Peter coughed. "Aw damn you smell like hell!" He webbed the monster and slammed him to the ground.

It turned to dust seconds later.

"What the...?"

Then something (or someone) flew over his head.

"Oh no."

"Captain, I'm gonna need you help those people in the buildings. Thor, light these suckers up!" Tony instructed.

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