Chapter 24

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It was hell for Peter Parker.

He was on complete lock down.

All he had to do was wait three weeks until his birthday, which doesn't seem like much. But only one week has passed and it felt like his world had gone dark. It was suffocating how time was so slow and how he was stuck in his room.

Yes, he would go to school and go to work. But that was it, nothing more. He couldn't even visit Harry or Gwen because his parents found out that they knew of his secret and that were worried he would use them as an excuse to visit Wade.

However, whenever Harry or Gwen would try to call or facetime him through his watch, he would reject the call.

Why? Peter didn't want them to see him in this condition. He didn't want them to see him cry.

He was depressed.

Peter thought he was being dramatic, but he's never felt so low in his life. His family taking away Spiderman and Wade from his felt way worse than any damage he took from an enemy. Without these things, he was trapped.

Peter could understand where his family is coming from.

"What you're doing is dangerous, Peter."

"How could you keep this from us?"

"We're disappointed in you."

"We're only doing this because we love you, Peter."

Peter understood that they're looking out for him. But that doesn't mean it was supposed to make him feel better. Just the other night, he overheard Tony and Bruce talking about his spider powers. And how Tony wanted to get rid of them.

But that would require dozens of testings and they all agreed not to put Peter in that position - to make him feel like a test subject.

Good, Peter thought, they are not taking that away from me.

His parents would force him out of the room for family dinner. But it was awkward whenever they asked Peter questions about his day or whatever because he would never respond.

They even took away his phone so he wouldn't contact Wade. Good thing they don't know about his self-made watch.

Steve would try to get him out of this state, but would fail. Tony didn't even try. He was too upset with his son. Steve knew this and tried to get Tony to talk to his son, but to no avail. Steve just hoped this would blow over soon.

Peter remembered a conversation they had about the people he fought.

Six days ago...

"Two years? Two years you've been Spiderman," Natasha concluded and her nephew nodded. She shook her head slightly, taking a deep inhale.

Bruce, confused, added in, "So that giant lizard that roamed New York was you who defeated it?"

Peter nodded but winced at the memory of it.

Clint could help but nod, impressed. A fifteen year old defeated a monster that wrecked havoc on the city. But he knew that what Peter was doing was dangerous, not to mention that he's been lying to all of them for so long.

"So that night that you came home," Steve mumbled, "with those bruises on your face and weren't in a fight with someone from school?"

Peter lied saying he got jumped.

"No...those were injuries from the Lizard," Peter admitted, not looking at any of them.

"So you've been putting your life at risk this whole time?" Steve asked, holding back tears. "You could have died."

Peter, being a smartass occasionally, replied, "I'm alive, aren't I?"

Tony punched the table next to him and everyone jumped.

"Well I'm glad you find this funny," Tony said sarcastically before shaking his head. He wanted to tell him off, scream at him. But he held back. So he stated, "We will make sure you don't sneak off, you can bet on that."

Peter bit his tongue and narrowed his eyes.

Tony glared back. "Something you wanna add?"

"I can't wait til I'm an adult," Peter stated simply, getting all their attention. "So I don't have to be trapped here anymore."


"Even if I were to come out to you guys about me being Spiderman years ago or that I'm with Wade, would you have let me? You guys would have done what you are doing now. So excuse me if I'm not exactly being cooperative." He stood up. "I'll go to my room now."

They took his suit and his phone.

Present day...

Dear God he missed Wade. How he would randomly go through his window, his prank calls, taking him to dates, his kisses, everything.

He knows he should be patient.

But what would his parents do after he becomes an adult? Would they actually let him be?

Would they?

Does Wade miss him?

If only Peter knew that Wade was suffering just as much as he was. Peter helped keep him sane. And he wouldn't be proud if he found out the things he was doing to keep himself occupied...

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