Chapter 13

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"You still can't catch the kid?"

"Don't give me that. You couldn't either!"

Steve closed his eyes and sighed deeply. He hated it when Tony and Fury argued. They both have really short tempers.

"You're Iron Man. I thought you can do anything," Fury mocked.

"Coming from the man who let him escape."

Fury slammed his fist on his desk but Tony wasn't fazed a bit.

Steve thought he should join in before it gets out of hand. "Sir, whenever we're near he leaves before we can get to him. It's like he has - "

"Spider senses," Bruce finished and they turned to him. "He does have the powers of a spider, so he has the behaviors too."

"Dammit," Tony grumbled.

"That's not the only issue." Fury then took out a newspaper. On the front page is a picture of Deadpool on Spiderman's back in mid air, a web obviously attached to a building. "Apparently they're in tandem."

Clint slammed his head on the table. "Are you serious? Him? Out of all people?"

"Deadpool," Tony growled. "That son of a bitch."

Natasha took a look at the paper. "This partnership, is this a threat to us?"

"Well gee I don't know," Tony started, "just the other day you said Spiderman is a threat. Deadpool is a mercenary and a wild card. That doesn't exactly make the situation better...Oh god."


"Wade says they're dating."

Everyone stared at each other with wide eyes.

"Like...together together?" Clint asked.

Fury began to laugh.

"What's funny?" Natasha asked.

Fury answered while laughing, "Damn, Spiderman could do better than that." He laughed harder and then Tony joined in.

"Tony, this is serious," his husband scolded.

"Cmon babe it's a bit funny. Wade is the worst. I wouldn't want our kid with someone like him."

Fury's phone rang and he picked it up. "Kind of busy, what do you want?...OK...where?...they're on it." He hung up.

Tony groaned in frustration. "What now?"

"Monster. New York City."

Steve stood. "On it."

Deadpool sunk to his knees and punched the ground. He cried, "How can that monster take away the love of my life?" He yelled in the air. "You'll pay for this you fugly bastard!"

"Wade, shut the hell up. It's just a chimichanga stand."

The merc stood offended. "Just a chimichanga stand? This food saved my life." He picked up a splattered piece of the food. "My pride and joy."

He lifted his mask but his boyfriend slapped the food out of his hand.

"That was on the ground, Wade!"

"5 second rule!"

"We have a monster to fight and you're crying over a gross food stand?"

He held a katana to his neck. "Say that again?"

"You wouldn't." Peter dared.

"Hey!" An old man shouted from a store. "Will one of you just kill that thing already?"

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