Chapter 14

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- 7 Years Ago -

Peter was only ten years old at the time, but that day will never be forgotten.

He can't remember how he got into this situation but there's nothing he could do.

He can't fight. He's just a little kid.

He was in a dark cave and the only light was that of a small fire on pieces of wood.

The little boy cried out for his parents which annoyed the God of Mischief greatly. He would threaten the kid whenever he hesr sniffling but never actually did anything.

Though he was terrified and wanted nothing more than to be home with his family, Peter couldn't help but wonder what Loki's plan was.

The plan was simple enough. He wanted to get revenge on Iron Man and Captain America. When he learned they had a kid all this time, he found the perfect way to enact the plan. Those heroes must be destroyed. The god smirked devilishly. What better way to break them by killing their son...

Peter soon found himself hoisted in the air, a hand gripping his neck. The grip wasn't too tight but enough to have Peter fighting for his life. Well, trying, at least. But his flailing around didn't help him. Tears ran down his cheek and he wanted desperately to scream for his dads, or anyone. But he knew they were nowhere near home. 

Loki laughed at the kid. He watched as he struggled and he could see the fear and pain in his eyes. 

"Why?" Peter stuttered out, trying to sound brave but this obviously didn't fool the god.

"Ah, so they've never mentioned me?" He scoffed. His eyes got darker. "Well, I'm not surprised. The Avengers took everything from me. Everything." He spat.

Peter's eyes widened. What did his family do to this guy? And what does he have to do with this? The boy listened on, knowing he's got more to say. Maybe he'll answer his questions.

"I had the world in my hand," Loki opened his free hand and just stared. As if the world was actually in his palm, destined to be his. "It was my right. My destiny." He closed his palm and watched as it turned blue. The blue began to consume his body. 

Peter felt Loki's hand grow cold. He watched as the man's skin turned icy blue and his eyes turn blood red. 

"I was supposed to rule! I was supposed to conquer!" Loki shouted, bringing the child closer. "But your family, well, they took it all away from me. Left me to suffer through the rest of my days. Do you see what I am!? I wasn't supposed to be this way!? I wasn't supposed to be born! I never asked to be this!" He shook in anger, on the verge of tears but refused to show weakness. "Because I was different...I was the villain. They made me this way."


That's what Peter felt for the man who held him captive and would most likely kill him. Pity. He could see how beyond this tough exterior, he was just as scared as he was.

"You don't have to be this way," Peter whispered after a minute of silence.

Loki tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. "What?"

"You decide your destiny," Peter answered and felt the grip tighten. "You became this way because you didn't-" he coughed and gasped for air. 

The God shook his head in disbelief. Now this kid grew courage? Interesting. He should kid him right then and there but a part of him was curious as to what else this kid had to say. Because he was supposed to be screaming for his life, not trying to make conversation. 

"I didn't what?" He hissed, his grip getting tighter.

"Fight!" Peter coughed.

Loki stared in shock, his grip loosening. But he quickly remembered what he had to do. 

"You sound just like your fathers," the God glared and he eyes, if possible, grew darker. 

Peter then realized something. Loki would most likely come after his parents after he dies. Then kill his aunt and uncles. He began to cry at the image, an image he refuses to let happen. 

"Fine...Just...don't hurt them."


"Don't kill them," Peter begged. "You came here for me. So please don't hurt them."

Loki narrowed his eyes, shaking his head ever so slightly. He was perplexed. What was this kid doing? Was he giving up? Sacrifice? What Loki didn't understand was why he was contemplating the situation. The boy was to die so why was his delaying this any further?

"You wish to die?" He asked.

The kid shook his head and he took a deep breath before explaining, "If the Avengers live, the world is protected from danger. And you're here for revenge, right? If you give into this need for vengeance, you've succeed. And then you'll be happy. And if you're happy then you won't want to hurt anyone anymore." He closed his eyes, waiting for his last breath. But instead he was dropped to the floor. 

Loki stammered backwards, not believing what he just heard. This kid was going to give up his life for his family...and for him? So everyone, including him, could live happily? 

The ultimate sacrifice. But he was just a kid? What did he know about sacrifice?

His parents. That must be it. But they would never teach their son to do this. To give up his life and at such a young age. No parent would want that.

Loki's breathing increased as his skin turned back to normal and so did his eyes. 

" were willing to give up your life just like that?" Loki asked in disbelief. "Why? Is peace that important to you?"

"Of course, you meanie," Peter glared. "That's what a hero does."

It was then that Loki was brought back to reality. He looked back and remembered how he was before the darkness consumed him. How he could smile and dreamt of being a hero. Making everyone proud. But did he have what it takes?

The kid was right. He didn't fight. His job is to overcome obstacles and yet...he didn't fight it. He let the darkness win. He then looked at the kid. The kid was the opposite of darkness. In Peter he saw...hope. Hope that one day, he could make the right choices in life, to become a hero instead of wasting every second on bloodlust and vengeance. 

A hero sacrifices everything in order to bring peace. And that doesn't make them foolish like Loki thought. It makes them brave. It makes them happy

Loki understood.

That day, the both of them came to realization.

That the little kid would grow up to be a hero. And the villain to change. 

He saved me.

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