Chapter 5

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Gwen picked up the torn spider suit, looking at Peter in shock, concern, and irritation while the male teen was focusing on making his new suit.

"You mean to tell me," Gwen started, "that you fell over a hundred feet from a helicopter to escape Nick Fury?"

"That's right."

The blonde shook her head. "Peter, you have to be more careful! You're strong but you're still prone to injuries. Look, you still have cuts and bruises on your back and arms."

"They'll go away in a few hours or so," Peter pointed out. "And I had to do whatever I had to. You know my goal is to not get involved with S.H.I.E.L.D."

"I know that but they're going to keep trying until they get every last info about you. Spiderman is already in their database and they're trying to fill in your alias." Gwen showed him Spiderman's profile on her laptop. Peter is an excellent hacker.

"Well, they don't know Spiderman is Iron Man and Captain America's child. So, at the moment, I have nothing to worry." Peter tried on his new and improved mask. The style was the same but he gave the eyes night-vision.

"How long do you think you can keep this up?"

Peter shrugged. He didn't know how long he could keep it up. But he's been doing it for a little over two years now, so he's doing pretty good so far.

"Gwendolyne, take off my tank top," Peter ordered but not in a rude manner.

The girl eyed him skeptically. "What for?"

"Just do it, please."

Lifting his arms up, Gwen took off his tank top and gasped at the bruises and cuts. There was much more than the ones on his arms. "Walk with me," he said and the two walked to the table of beakers. He began pouring in various liquids. "How does it look?"


He poured a clear liquid in a spray bottle and handed it to her. Gwen took it and sprayed all over his back. Peter hissed and cursed under his breath, making the blonde laugh quietly.

"Is this alcohol?"

"Yes, but I made it so the wounds would close up and the bruises to made. Makes the healing process faster."

"Just like your dad and uncle," Gwen grinned and placed the bottle on the table.

"Can you please hand me the laptop over there?" Peter pointed. When Gwen turned to get it, Peter hunched over in pain and held his side. He glanced at his watch and it gave him a 28 percentile. When Gwen returned, he stood upright, changing the watch back to the time frame.

"You could have used your web, ya know," Gwen pointed out.

"Forgot," Peter lied. He went through S.H.I.E.L.D.'s profile to see if he was on the database. He found a profile of himself, but nothing to do with Spiderman in any way. There was only appearance, age, occupation and a list of family members (even unbiological members).

"You're in?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, but only because I live in Stark Tower." He grinned. "No one has put the pieces together. Not yet anyways."

"So they are gonna find out one day?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"Well, all secrets will eventually be exposed sometime."

That's what Peter fears the most. But ever fear has to be conquered. The thing is you never know when. He doesn't think he could handle everyone's reaction when they find out all he's been hiding.

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