Chapter 22

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"How did you gain spider abilities?" Bruce asked. 

Peter answered, "Two years ago when I went to a trip at Oscorp, I went into this room where it had radioactive spiders, I guess for some sort of experiment. Then I got bitten by one. I didn't get sick right away so I didn't say anything about it. Then the next few days I got these powers." 

"And the web shooters?"

"Oh, um, I guessed I didn't gain natural webbing so I made these."

Bruce cleared his throat, "So, you made them to prepare to be Spiderman?" Peter nodded.

Tony looked angrily at the two boys. "Why did you do it?" he asked in an angry and disappointed tone.

Peter heard a voice in the back of his head telling him to respond in a mean manner. He ignored it and simply said "With great power comes great responsibility. If someone were to get hurt when I could of helped them it would be on my conscious, therefore I have to help. No matter what." 

Tony let out a mumbled 'not anymore' causing the voice to try and get Peter's attention again. He ignored it and simply sat back, acting unphased. 

"Why didn't you tell us?" Tony asked in a louder and angrier tone now. 

Peter basically growled at this and simply shrugged, not feeling like explaining the obvious. He saw Wade stiffen next to him and then snort at his response. This helped him to loosen up a bit. 

"You do realize how much trouble you are in, right? That you, a kid, OUR kid, could get arrested all because you decided to be stupid and reckless?" Tony asked, not at all caring about the hurt in Peter's eyes.

Later Peter would swear he didn't mean it. Swear he didn't mean to let the voice take over. Wade would say he saw a flicker of black in his eyes before it happened, but either way it happened. 

Peter laughed. "How much trouble I'm in? Oh you have no clue. You never will." Peter replied, gasping afterwards as he held his head before quickly regaining his posture. Wade looked at him and saw something was different. He didn't comment though and instead looked straight back to Tony knowing he was going to ask him some questions. 

The rest noticed the dark tone. 

"What were you thinking?" Tony asked, not knowing what was going through his son's head just now. Or for the past few years for that manner.

Peter took a deep breath before responding, "I knew you all wouldn't approve of this... but being a hero is something I've dreamt of when I was younger. And when I learned that I had these powers, I put them to good use."

Steve said, "Peter, you should have told us."

Wade rolled his eyes. "If he did this would have happened."

Tony pointed at him threateningly. "You. You keep your mouth shut."

"And how long has this," Natasha gestured between the both of them, "been going on?"

"Over a month," Peter replied.

"Jesus Christ," Clint groaned. "You know your relationship is illegal right? Peter, you're seventeen. And to top it all off, him? Out of all people?" Wade scoffed girlishly.

Peter finally looked up and stated, "You don't know the Wade that I know."

Tony said, "Oh we know all about the mercenary. We know how he kills people for money and what he's willing to do. We know how much of a bad guy he is and how much you shouldn't be around him."

"Wade has been by my side. He would take care of him and always make sure that I'm all right or that I haven't lost my sanity," Peter defended. "And yes, we know this relationship is illegal but it's purely consensual and I turn eighteen in a few weeks. We didn't have sex."

Sooner Rather Than Later (HIATUS)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें