Chapter 5

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Note: Instead of 20 years I'm making it 16 so he can be 24.

From the day I got here til, maybe even now...He's been...watching me. Brahms is a quiet man. Which makes him even more mysterious. I had so many questions to ask  but never found the chance to ask him. Every time I tried he was always in an angry mood. He was dangerous, he's already hurt me. But, it's only ever been because I didn't follow the rules. I'm sure Brahms is a good boy, but, he's very strict and 'particular' as Margaret Heelshire says. How could his parents just commit suicide like that? They couldn't live with what they let their son become, but, how could you leave him? I turned around to walk back upstairs and accidentally bumped into something. Well, someone. It was Brahms. Had he been there the whole time?

" (Y/n)?" He said. His voice shaky and low, "We're you gonna leave me?"

He sounded kind of heartbroken, but after his voice grew hard and stern, "You can't leave me, remember?! You lost the game!"

I nodded, "I know Brahms, I wasn't going to leave you. I'm not leaving okay? I was just going to get some fresh air," I lied.

" But you can't leave me alone. It's part of the rules!"

Whenever he gets angry and yells like that, I can't help but get scared. I can't control how shaky my voice is, " Brahms, I've left you alone a few times already. Sometimes is an exception isn't it? You don't want me to be with you 24/7 right? You need your privacy and I need mine." I said, trying to make him understand.

" Okay, (y/n)..."

I smiled at him, " I'm gonna be outside for a while. Don't worry, I'll be back in before you know it."

He nodded his head and I gave one last forced smile and went outside. I stared up at the grey sky and thought to myself. I never thought I'd stay at this house for a man whom I've only met twice. A man who was a murderer, is living in the walls, and at times, acts like an 8 year-old. I can't help but feel bad for him. He thinks this life is normal. He's been living like this for how many years? 16 I think. His childhood has been stopped short because his parents wanted to protect him. He wasn't guilty but, he isn't innocent either. He obviously has some sort of illness. We all make mistakes sometimes. I don't believe he's a monsters like others say. Everyone in this village thinks so. But, they don't understand like I do. I think all it takes to help Brahms is to let him know I understand. I'm all he has left.

I headed back inside and found Brahms looking at the books on the shelf in the library. I stood beside him, examining the books. Brahms faced forward but I could feel his eyes looking in my direction. He can be quite shy sometimes.

" Hey Brahms," I said.

" Yes, (y/n)?"

" How about we go to the bookstore tomorrow? These books look pretty old and worn out...Have you read all of them?"

He nodded.

" How many times?" I asked curiously.

" Four," he muttered.

I stare at the ground in shock. " Four times?!" I repeat in my head. He must be really smart then.

" So what do you say? Bookstore tomorrow since I don't have work?"

" Mm," he hummed and nodded.

" Cool. I'm gonna go upstairs now. Meet me back in the kitchen later for lunch! At 2!!" I said while walking up the stairs.

This is great I thought. He'll finally get to be out of the house.

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