Chapter 14

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I woke up the same way I fell asleep, still cuddled against Brahms. I stared up at him, his mask was off. I wish he stopped wearing it, he had such a handsome face. I carefully left the bed and walked over to my draw. On top, was the list of rules. I crumpled it up into a little ball and threw it in the trash can. No need for that since it's the last week of following the rules. The weeks went by so quickly, but, I know I won't be missing them at all. I'm so proud of Brahms. He's been such a good boy...Or man. I walked back to Brahms and woke him up.

" Go take a shower," I said, "Today's gonna be fun!"

After we washed up, I met Brahms in the kitchen. We prepared a ham and cheese omelet with homemade hash browns. Later, we headed out to the mall. I bought Brahms a few new outfits and new furniture and decor for his room.

" Where do you wanna go now?" I asked while looking at the map in the mall.

He shrugged.

" Ooh, let's go to an arcade! The mall has one on the top floor, that'd be so fun!" I said while slapping Brahms' arm out of excitement.

When we reached the arcade, Brahms' face lit up in amazement. I don't think he's ever been to a place like this before. He was seeing and doing things for the first time, I'm sure he's overwhelmed. At the arcade, we played lots of different games, getting jackpots here and there. Brahms looked really happy. Whenever he saw a game he wanted to play, he'd take my hand and bring me over there. I feel weird thinking this but, it felt as if we were boyfriend and girlfriend. Once we ran out of chips we decided to get our prizes. We ended up having 2460 tickets in all. Brahms and I searched for prizes. I got a necklace, earrings, a panda keychain, and a cute kitty mug. I turned to see that Brahms only got one thing. A big stuffed animal bunny.

" You're gonna get that?" I asked.

" Yeah," he said.

I expected something more manly but, if that's what he wants.

As we made our way to the car, Brahms told me that the bunny was for me.vHow stupid of me to think that he actually wanted it for himself.

" Aw Brahms," I said, "You're so sweet. Thank you!"

" You're welcome, (y/n)."

" I actually thought you wanted it for yourself. I was getting a little worried," I laughed.

" (Y/n)," Brahms said. He stopped walking and didn't say anything for awhile.

" What is it Brahms?" I asked.

He shook his head, "Nothing. Never mind," he said and walked ahead of me.

Okay then...

As we arrived home, Brahms and I did our own things. He was downstairs preparing dinner while I was upstairs doing some of my daily exercises. After awhile I decided to check if dinner was done. As I opened my door, on the floor were a trail of rose petals. Confused and curious, I followed the petals. They led me down the stairs and to the back door and stopped. The double doors were open and on the porch were two chairs and a round table with a lit candle and a glass vase with a rose. Along with some silverware. I looked around at the scenery. Long trees in the back, a full moon glistening on the pond with ducks swimming. Fairy lights were wrapped around the porch. It was so beautiful. Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. It was Brahms. He had plates of food and placed them on the table.

" So, do you like it?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, it's gorgeous."

Brahms flashed a quick and charming smile before walking over. He pulled the chair out for me and I sat down.

" What's all this for?" I asked.

" For you," he said.

" O-okay," I laughed awkwardly.

I looked at my plate, there were asparagus, mashed potatoes with butter, and fillet minion. To drink was a glass of white wine. I'm not a fan of white wine but I guess I'll make an exception. I cut a piece of the steak and put it in my mouth. The tender and succulent flavors danced on my taste buds.

" Mm, this is so good!" I said, " You're as good as an actual chef."

Brahms laughed, leaving me in aw. He was killing me with his cuteness. I didn't want to feel that way towards him but I couldn't help it. He was so sweet, kind, good looking, and he was romantic. Aside from his horrible past, he was a good person. I think I might actually be falling for him.

He smiled and laughed in front of me today. I'm seeing sides of him I never knew. After finishing dinner, Brahms brought out some desserts.

" I hope you're not too full..," He said.

" I'm not, there's always room for dessert!"

We shared a big slice of cheesecake together.

" (Y/n)," Brahms said, " I want to ask you something.."

" Okay," I said. Not knowing what to expect.

Brahms took my hand and held it, " You...make me feel loved and cared for," he said in a soft and sincere voice, "No one understands me like you do. You don't see me as a monster, but as a human being. I've made up these feelings for you, (y/n). Why I did all this is because I wanted a special way of asking you, (y/n), if you...want to be my girlfriend."

Note: Brahms is too cute!

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