Chapter 11

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Note: There may or may not be an update for tomorrow. It depends if I can squeeze in a chapter through my busy schedule. I'd have to take time out of sleep to write one. We'll see. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter! If I don't update, hopefully this will make up for it since its long. Love you all! Have a nice rest of the night/day! (✿' ꒳ ' )

" Breakfast!" I said, interrupting the kiss.

Brahms stopped leaning his head forward and tilted it.

" It's gonna get cold if we don't eat it right away," I said while moving away from Brahms to take a seat. I started chomping down the food as quickly as I could. Brahms just stood behind me.

" I'm finished! Breakfast was delicious by the way," I said while walking out, but stopped in my tracks.

I looked back at Brahms. He was a still statue. Standing the way he was when he was about to kiss me.

" Brahms," I said.

He suddenly started walking, he sped past me without even giving me a glance.

" O-okay...Well, I'm going to work now! I'll be back at 10!" I said while walking towards the door. I put my shoes on and grabbed my purse and coat.


At the hospital, it was the same as ever. Filing papers, filling in papers, and handing the papers out. After awhile, my co-workers took over my work for me. I then just sat at my desk, tapping away with my pen. My mind played flashbacks of what happened this morning.

Brahms wanted to...kiss me. And I wouldn't let him. I mean, why would I? I like Ryan not Brahms. Right?...Throughout the day I would repeat Ryan's name but, Brahms kept popping into my mind. Without knowing it, I let out a growl.

" What's wrong?" A voice from behind me asked.

I turned around and saw Ryan.

" Oh, it's nothing," I said.

" It didn't sound like nothing."

I just stayed quiet. Awkward silence filled the room.

" I, uh, usually run into you through the halls and I haven't today so I thought I'd check up on you," He furrowed his eyebrows and sat on my desk, "why is that so?"

" My co-workers have been doing my work for me. They come in with errands and then they say I don't look so good...So they end up doing it instead. I look fine, don't I?" I asked while looking up at Ryan.

It took him a little while to answer.

" I mean, I've seen you look better," he said.

I rolled my eyes.

" I'm kidding," he laughed.

" You know," I said, "seeing you makes me feel a lot better."

Ryan smiled, "I'm glad I could help!"

After, a nurse came into my office.

" There you are!" She said as she held on to Ryan's arm, " You kept me waiting-."

She stopped her sentence after she realized I was in the room and removed her grip on his arm.

" We need you to perform a heart transplant in room 209.."

Ryan turned to me, "I'll talk to you later!" He said and then left with the nurse.

Something is definitely going on. I peeked my head out of the door and saw them turn the corner. I quickly followed them and as I turned they were gone. I looked to the right and saw a door that was left opened. I walked over to it and looked inside. It was a storage room of some sort. I opened the door a little wider and Ryan came into view. He was making out with that nurse.

" Don't worry about it, love. (Y/n) is just a toy I like to play with once in awhile. You're the one I want."

He continued kissing her and then they started undressing. I decided I've seen enough to know that I meant nothing to him and looked away. So much anger had built up inside of me that I began crying. Not angry just because I'm some toy to Ryan but, because I didn't listen to Brahms. I ran into the bathroom to hide. I quickly wiped my eyes and fanned them with my hands. Once they were less red and swallowed, I talked with my boss. I told him I wasn't feeling well and he let me off work. He said that everyone was worried about me and that I should get some rest. It was 6 o'clock when I arrived home.

" (Y/n)?" I heard Brahms say.

He was near the kitchen, probably making dinner.

" Oh hey Brahms," I said as I gave a quick wave, " My boss let me come home early."

He nodded, understanding, and walked over to me. He grabbed my wrist and moved me into the kitchen. There were mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and grilled chicken. Brahms looked at me and waited for me to say something about it.

" It looks good, Chef. You're probably a better cook than me now," I laughed.

He went over to the chair and motioned for me to sit.

" Oh, I'm not that hungry right now."

He knew I was lying once he heard my belly growl.

" Sit," he said.

I guess I can never say no to food. I sat in the chair and Brahms prepared my plate, giving me lots of everything.

" That's too much for me, Brahms," I said.

I guess he forgot that I was much smaller than him.  He gave that plate to himself and made me another.

As we were eating Brahms asked what's wrong. It's like he could see through me. He always knows when something's wrong. I told him what happened at work. He never touched his food and just listened, occasionally nodding here and there. I liked talking about it to him since he would'nt say things like, "I told you so!" Even though he was right all along. Ryan was a bad guy. After I finished discussing what happened, we started eating. When it was 11 o'clock, I got Brahms ready for bed. I turned around so that he can put on his pj's and then tucked him in.

" I'm sorry I didn't listen to you," I said, "I feel so stupid."

" It's okay, (y/n)."

I smiled at him, greatful that he forgave me. I was about to give him a kiss on the cheek, but stopped. Brahms stared up at me, confused. I moved away from his cheek to his lips. I closed my eyes and placed a kiss on the lips of his mask. As I pulled away, Brahms' eyes were wide open in surprise.

" Thank you for being such a good listener," I said as left his bedroom.

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