Chapter 13

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Note: It's about 1:16 in the morning and I decided to write for you guys. Despite how late and tired I am right now, I hope you enjoy reading. Next update will hopefully be soon. Have a nice day/night now! (◍•ᴗ•◍)


I covered my face with my hands to block the hits, "Brahms!" I cry.

Ryan stopped hitting me and put his hands down, " Brahms? Who the hell is Brahms?" He asked.

I pointed behind him. Brahms breathing was heavy in anger. Ryan turned around and looked up, "What the fuck are you?" He asked as he stood up. Ryan came up close to him, he was slightly shorter than Brahms.

" Get. Out." Brahms said, teeth clenched.

" What are you going to do if I don't?"

Brahms stayed quiet.

Ryan started pushing Brahms back, taunting him, " Huh! Huh?! What are you gonna do?"

Suddenly, Brahms pulled one hand back and struck him in the face, knocking Ryan down on the ground. He was no match for Brahms, especially since he was so wasted.

" I'll kill you," Brahms growled as he got on top of Ryan and punched him repeatedly. Brahms held Ryan's face down with one hand. With the other, he took a piece of glass from the broken beer bottle and stuck it into Ryan's throat. Grunting as he shoved it deeper into his neck. I sat up in shock and heard Ryan gasping for air, to later hearing him take his last breath. Brahms got off of Ryan and turned his head to me. He dropped down to his knees and began crying silently. I crawled over to him and hugged him tightly.

" I'm sorry, (y/n). I had to." He said.

" It's okay, Brahms," I croaked. Seeing Brahms cry started to make me cry as well, "If you didn't stop him he would've killed me." I pulled out of the hug and cupped Brahms' face. He lifted his hand and put it on mine, staining my hand with blood. Our foreheads touched and we both sat there crying for a short moment. Maybe this made him look back on what he did to Emily Cribbs.

" C'mon, let's clean this up now." I said.

Brahms nodded and we got to it. Since he has been through this "cleaning up dead bodies and leaving no trace of evidence of a murder" before, he told me what to do. He had some top notch cleaning supplies that got rid of all the blood. After, we buried Ryan's body where my ex's body was and got rid of his car. Everything was cleaned up. When it was time for bed, I kissed Brahms goodnight and went into my room. I tried falling asleep but I just couldn't. I thought about what happened a few moments ago. I decided to go check up on Brahms. Maybe he's still up too. As I opened the door and walked across, I accidentally ran into him. I stumbled back a bit and then we both shyly looked at the ground.

" I can't sleep..." Brahms said.

" Me either."

Suddenly, loud rain tapped on the windows and lightning flashed and thunder roared. And as if things couldn't get any worse, the power went out. It was now pitch black and stormy outside.

I gasped in panic and reached my hands out, trying to feel for Brahms. I felt his hand grab me and pull me into his chest.

" It's okay, love. I'm here."

My heart fluttered and I felt myself getting hotter. Brahms brought me to my room and I laid down in the bed.

" Should I leave now?" He asked.

" Can you stay awhile? Just until I fall asleep..."

" Okay," he said as he laid next to me. We were like a couple who got into a fight, separated from each other. A loud boom of thunder came and I jumped and scooted towards Brahms. As I apologized and was about to move away, Brahms' arm wrapped around me. His body was so warm, I felt so safe and secure. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat.

" When I was little, I remember I would always run into my parents room during storms like these. To make me fall asleep, my mum would hum me a lullaby. It worked every time."

Brahms started humming softy. It flowed through my ears and blocked out the noises of the storm. Not long after, as I was about to fall asleep, I felt a pair of lips kiss the top of my forehead. Brahms must've took his mask off, the kiss wasn't hard and cold...But soft and warm.

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