Chapter Fourteen: KATIRINA

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I emerged from my room at noon. I wish I could say that I had stayed in my room so that I could allow my body to heal, but in truth I was hiding. Cowardly shacking in my own skin, too scared to face the wolves dressed as woman. After hours of convincing myself that I needed to exit the room, I finally did.

I found six of the woman lounging on the cream colored couches when I entered the common room. All six pairs of eyes snapped up to take me in when I entered. And all six eyes remained fixed on me as forced myself to move further into the room.

I knew each of the six by name now, thanks to the 'orientation' from last night. There was the twins, Elyssa and Eleni, the beautiful blonds. They were identical in every way, except Elyssa's has an elegant nose, where as Eleni's nose is narrow and hooked at the end. Then there is Chanah, a blue eyed girl with mousy brown hair. She has an open and honest face, far different than the masks that the other wolves where. Sitting next to her is Daralis, with blood red eyes and grey hair. Daralis sat like a soldier would, shoulders thrust back, unmoving. She reminded me of the stone statues that surrounded the orphanage, frozen protectors with monstrous appearances. And lastly there was Flyta and Geena who sat huddled on one of the sofas. Both had soulless black eyes, but Flyta's hair was the color of snow, where Geena's looked like mud. Flyta is the youngest of all the girls, having just recently reached her sixteenth year, and Geena seemed to have taken it upon herself to protect the girl.

After taking a seat on one of the empty sofa's, the woman lost interest in me, and resumed their conversations.

Elyssa and Eleni whispered amongst themselves. They seemed utterly lost with out the malicious guidance of Adrianna. Chanah returned to her kniting, siting as silently as me, while Daralis spoke to her about some political matter that I had never heard of before. And Flyta drew pictures as Geena stared out one of the doors at the ocean.

I found myself bored, and began to eassedrop on the one-sided conversation Daralis was holding.

".. It is unbelievable that the Imperials have done nothing to rectify the situation." Daralis raged. "What in the Seven systems are they thinking allowing those... those..." we waited patiently as she searched for the word. ".... those... those Barbarians into our council."

I tilted my head in thought.... The barbarians had entered the council when they conquered Lumturi. But the council of seven has been dissolved for years.... I scrunched together, politics had never made much sense to me.

"It is not our place to question his Majesty's decisions." Chanah says quietly.

Daralis huffs, "It is when he permits those killers to land on planet. I fear that Prince's James's sanity has fled him during this past trip of his."

My confusion clears slightly.... Prince James... My new master... is allowing barbarian's to land on planet? I wonder what he gains by granting such a thing....

"Bite your tongue. Those are treasonous words if ever I did hear any." Geena hisses at Daralis. "I am sure the Prince has his reason."

"Damn his reasons. I want answers." Daralis snaps back.

"If you want answers, all you need do is ask." A deep voice says. All six heads snap in the direction of the voice, I join them to see the Prince coming toward the common room. He was re-buttoning his shirt, and his belt was open. I looked around him to see Adrianna, wearing a rather satisfied grin on her face. I scrunch my nose and look away from her. I return my eyes to my new master to find that his gaze is fixated on me. I feel myself become tense under his stare as he continues to fix the state of his clothes.

"Your majesty!" Daralis says, finally finding her voice. I noticed that it was far sweeter than the sharp tone she had perviously been using. "I didn't realise you had visited today."

Prince James hums in response. His eyes eyes glancing at her before resting back on me.

I glare at him defiantly, my hand brushing the band on my wrist involuntarily. I watch as one of his dark brows twitch in response to the action, which cause my scowl to darken. I watch as Adrianna places a possessive hand on the Prince's arm, and glare at me. I wanted to laugh at the move, but I refused to show any emotions but anger under my master's gaze. Instead I roll my eyes away from the pair to stare at a wall.

"I wanted to personally announce that the Dividing will commence tomorrow at sun down." I heard his heavy foot steps, as he walked to the exit of the room.

"What is the challenge?" I hear young Flyta's ask.

There is a pause in the footsteps. "Worth." The Prince states vaguely, then the door shuts signalling his departure.

The woman begin to chatter in worry at what is to come. My eyes drift to the door that the Prince had just left through, then down at my wrist. I trace the metal band, thinking about what Clara had told me this morning, and what the Prince had just said.

And so it begins..... I think to myself as worry settles into my stomach. I glance at the other woman, the wolves in sheep's clothing..... I just hope I am strong enough to survive....

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