Chapter Thirty-Two: PRINCE JAMES

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        "Contestant Eva is our best option." One of my counselors stated. I watched as the rest nodded in agreement.

        "She has the ability and connection we need to avoid another war with Barsite." Another said. "She is the only option." There were more nods in agreement. 

        "What about Hellena?" I heard someone ask. "She could stabilize the planet, and bring strength to our people. If a war is inevitable  strengthening ourselves internally is the best option."

         "It is better than siding with those barbarians." Another pipped up.

          They are not even considering Katirina.... I rubbed my lips softly. I shook my head... They are not considering her, and neither should I.... I need to prioritize... Look at the bigger picture....

           The bigger picture.....

           "Gallium is decaying at an accelerated pace. " I say to the room, glancing around room at the intelligent men around me. They were men that had fought beside my father during the War of Seven. I trusted them with more than my life, I trust them to make a decision about my planet. "Squabbling over who will stand beside me in marriage is no longer the issue. We need to prioritise, and look at the bigger picture."

            I watched as the men sat back in their chairs, and stared at me silently. I laid a hand upon the table, and looked each one directly in the eye as I spoke. "This is no longer about with candidate has more worth than the next. At the moment we have two prize candidates, as to which becomes my wife is no longer up to negotiation or debate. The final Trial is the deciding vote." There are three candidates, not two.... the small voice in my head taunted. I stood from my chair at the head of the table. "I have decided to trust the Dividing's decision. Thank you for your time, but that will be all for now." I said dismissing them.

            They filed single file out of the room leaving me alone to my thoughts. Slouching down in my chair I covered my face as thoughts of Katirina bombarded me.

             I shouldn't have kissed her.. it only makes letting her go harder... But it was some kiss... I muse, rubbing a hand down my face. 

           "Permission to speak freely, sir." A voice interrupted my thoughts.

           Glancing up I noticed that I wasn't as alone as I had first thought. Drake, my ever present shadow, was standing in the corner of the room staring ahead blankly. I waved out a hand, "Speak."

           His dark eyes snapped to me. I watched as he removed his two swords and laid them upon the table before me. Then he took a seat  next to me. "I don't trust them."

          I tilted my head. "Who?"

          I noticed that his hand clenched and un-clenched quickly before he spoke. "The Barsite."

          "Neither do I, my friend." I said.

          "Then why trust them?" He demanded, his voice rough.

           "I wish to stop a war before it can start."

           He was quiet a moment, staring blankly at the table. "This is not the way to do it." I watched him closely, watched as he struggled to form the correct words for what he was thinking. "You forget that I know them for more intimately than you so, Your Highness."

           "I forget nothing." I state firmly.

           His eyes snap up to stare at me. 'Then you know that what ever they promise you is lies. There is no peace with them. Only blood and death." 

           "What do you suggest I do?" I asked. "Do you have any wise words of counsel that is not influenced by your past."

           "Katirina." He said. "You seem very fond of her. Don't pretend that you don't. I know about the visits to the library."

          I lean back in my chair and stare at him. "You are an ever watchful bloodhound." I tell him.

          He leans toward me, and bares his teeth. "I am what they made me to be."

          I hum softly. Then shake my head. "No matter how fond I am of Katirina, I can not make irrational decisions that would place my planet in jeopardy." I sighed.

          "What if she succeeds the final Trial?" He asked.

          "I will deal with it, if it come to that." I replied.

           He bows his head with a sigh. We sit there in silence for a moment. I made to stand when he spoke again. "What if Eva is not the Life?" He demanded.

            I rested back into my chair deep in thought. "She is still connected to the Barsite."

            He shook his head. "The only reason she is alive is because they think she is the heir to the Avita Galaxy. If she is not, then that connection is severed." He stares at me, watching my reaction. "What if after all this, they go to war because their pride was wounded? What will you do then?"

            I bring a fist to my mouth, and loss myself in thought. "Your right." I mutter. "There is too much at stake to be wrong about even the smallest detail." I see him lean back, satisfaction shining in his eyes. "Don't gloat." I snap. "Because it is your idea, I want you to look into it."

            He stood suddenly outraged, "Your Highness, I can not abandon my post. You will be left unprotected."

            I stood as well, to face him on an even plane. "I can not trust any other with this."

           He stares at me silently, then steps down, and accepts my order with a nod.

           I watch as he moves to his weapons. "I want you to be discreet in your actions. There have been whispers of a master thief that has risen in the Barsite territory. These are becoming dangerous times for anyone out in open space."

           He stands straight before me. His swords gleaming behind his back. "Yes, sir." He replies using clipped tones.

          I sigh at his how formal he had become. He has been like that since I had met him. Only shedding formality when he sheds those damned weapons. 

         .... They really beat obedience into him... Those barbarians had molded him into a blood thirsty hound... its a wonder how he survived....maybe that is why he seems to respect Katirina....They both survived the darkness of the universe.....

         I stare at him silently. The blank look is back in his eyes. "Stay safe, my friend." I tell him. "That is an order."

         He looks me in the eye. "Yes, sir."

         Then he turns and leaves. And I am left alone with the thoughts of my responsibilities, and the girl I can not keep.

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